Ho, Ho, Ho! We're Comin' Down The Chimney With Free Santa Coloring Pages

Everyone thinks Santa is adorable, right? Like, even if you don’t celebrate Christmas or believe that the jolly old fellow ever existed, you can’t deny that the caricature of this charming, chubby older man spoiling kids is a pretty lovely concept. As soon as the first leaf of autumn falls, we’re already pulling out kitschy Santa figurines for the mantle and dusting off the plate we’ll put cookies on for ol’ St. Nick (with carrots for his reindeer, of course). Some of us even start stashing away presents so that our holiday budget doesn’t take a dramatic hit come mid-December. Even our kids are ready for Santa. They want to cue up the Christmas movies, call St. Nick, break out Christmas games, and laugh at Christmas jokes. Is all this making you want to do something Santa-centric right this second? You’re in luck! We created an entire collection of Santa coloring pages so you and your little elves can spend some quality time with everyone’s favorite red velvet-suited plump and pleasant gift-giver.
After all, part of the fun of the holidays is bringing Santa to life in our hearts and homes. While you’re working your way through these adorable coloring pages, make sure you check out the attached facts about Santa Claus, too. (Remember: The more you know, the better you can lie.)
When you finish these, check out our other festive coloring pages, including angel coloring pages, elf coloring pages, penguin coloring pages, and gingerbread man coloring pages.
Free Printable Santa Coloring Pages
Santa Page No. 1
First, did you know Santa is based on a real guy? It’s true! Saint Nicholas lived in the area now known as Turkey. It’s believed that he was incredibly charitable, even paying the dowry for three poor sisters. So, he’s now the patron saint of children and sailors.
Santa Page No. 2
OK, but how do we get from “Saint Nicholas” to “Santa Claus”? Just like millions of other words, it’s evolved. Dutch Catholics celebrated Saint Nicholas and called him “Sinterklaas.” Over time and with immigration to America, the word transformed until it became “Santa Claus.”
Santa Page No. 3
Until 1822, people often depicted Santa as a rather skinny bloke. That all changed with the release of a very popular Christmas poem. You know it as “Twas The Night Before Christmas.” In the poem, Santa’s belly jiggles like a bowl full of jelly — and that interpretation of Santa’s looks became the most popular version.
Santa Page No. 4
That same poem is what brought about the now-classic imagery of a sleigh and reindeer, as well. Before the poem ran in print, stories depicted Santa traveling by both broomstick and snowshoe. He was even said to use a wagon to carry all his presents. A sleigh and reindeer just sounds better, right? And his most famous reindeer, Rudolph? He wasn’t mentioned for nearly another 100 years when the Montgomery Ward stores created the little guy as a marketing gimmick.
Santa Page No. 5
So, how does a Saint from “near Turkey” end up as a magical witch-like man who resides in the North Pole? Upon illustrating more popular and “modern” tales of Santa, those eight flying reindeer had to be accounted for, right? We hadn’t even explored the North Pole yet when people first shared the first stories of Santa’s polar lodgings. But it just made sense that he’d live there — and so he did!
Santa Page No. 6
Want to catch a glimpse of Santa’s hometown? Believe it or not, you don’t have to go all the way to the North Pole (or even Turkey). Just visit Santa Claus, Indiana. The town is Santa- and Christmas-themed year-round. They even have a Santa-themed water park open in the summer! (Fun fact: Santa Claus, Indiana, is actually really close to Metropolis, IL… home of Superman.)
Santa Page No. 7
Are you kids promising a camp-out to catch Santa in the act? Tell them they better not even blink! CIA intelligence suggests that for Santa to deliver his presents to all children in one night, he’d need to deliver presents to 22 million children every hour or 6,100 kids in a second. Yes, a second! That means even the blink of an eye could result in missing Santa’s deliveries. *wink-wink*
Santa Page No. 8
If your kids seriously want to chat with Santa, we suggest setting up a call or a Cameo instead. Nowadays, there are many ways for kids to connect with the world’s kindest being and still be tucked in at their usual bedtime. It just requires a bit of planning (and probably an internet connection).
Santa Page No. 9
We know Santa as a gift-giver, but what about the treats we leave for the big guy? During the Great Depression, parents developed the concept of leaving milk and cookies for Santa to show their thanks for his generosity, even during a bleak time.
Santa Page No. 10
What do you call Santa in your home? While many of us just call him Santa, some other cultures refer to him differently. From St. Nick and St. Nicholas to Kris Kringle and Father Christmas (or Pere Noel, if you’re French!), he’s known by an abundance of names. But, in almost all tales, he’s still a very kind, generous man.