
For Real Life?
By Samantha Darby

Lego Bluey Sets Are Coming & Lego Really Said, “Gotta Be Done”

And Scary Mommy has your exclusive first look.

Artax! No!
By Jamie Kenney

All The Movies We Watched As Kids That We Will *Not* Show Our Children

Seriously, what the hell was up with the ’80s and ’90s?

Wicked Stepmother
By Jamie Kenney

A Woman Has Her Baby Name All Picked Out — But Her Stepmother Is Saying No

People in the comments are split about what to do.

Nom Nom
By Samantha Darby

2-Ingredient Dough Recipes You’ll Actually Want To Make

The flatbread will change your lunch life, trust me.

By Julie Sprankles

Bethany Joy Lenz Isn’t Afraid To F*ck Up

The former OTH star talks to Scary Mommy about her time in a cult, parenting her daughter, and those pesky reunion rumors.

Get It, Queen 👑
By Samantha Darby

Why Does My Mouth Feel Like A Sticky Cave When I Workout?

Even if you’re drinking plenty of water, it can feel like tacky mouth central in there.

Child-free, but child-friendly
By Megan LaCreta

A Family Rejected This Nanny Because She Doesn't Want Kids

The family claimed she couldn't possibly like her job if she didn't like kids... but since when does not having children mean you don't like them?

By Megan LaCreta

This Mom Shared Best Hacks For When Your Kid Inevitably Catches The Stomach Bug

“Mom... I threw up...”

Somehow We Survived
By Jamie Kenney

'90s Babysitting: What Were Our Parents Thinking?

It was a different vibe...

Your Daily "Awwww!"
By Jamie Kenney

Triplet Mom Shares The Dream Grandparent Set Up At Her Parents' House

“They were made for being parents and grandparents.”

we're so done
By Katie Garrity

Mom Uses Her Upcoming Disney Trip As A Reason Why Parenting Today Is Causing Major Burnout

“You just like showed up, booked your hotel, bought your ticket, and everything else worked out.”

A simple switch
By Katie McPherson

What Is Chestfeeding? It’s A More Inclusive Word For Breastfeeding

You probably won’t hear it often, but if someone asks you to use it about their body, just do it.

Please Listen To Women
By Elle Warren

Doctors Dismissed My Symptoms For Years, So I Did Too. Then I Got A Shocking Diagnosis.

Turns out, the pain wasn’t “all in my head.”

Hand Me My Socks, Stat
By Meredith Begley

Ew, How Did My Feet Get So Crusty?

Doctors explain why our stompers get so crusty-dusty — and what we can do about it.

*Taking Notes*
By Sara Rowe Mount

Moms Reveal The Tips & Tricks They Swear By For Staving Off Sickness

Because immunity in this season is like the Holy Grail.

Hole In One Parenting
By Jamie Kenney

Hear Us Out: You Should Be Letting Your Husband Golf More

Finding time for yourself as a parent is important, and one TikTok user has advice on how to make it work for everyone.

So... What's New?
By Megan LaCreta

Are Your Friendships Stuck In The "Catch-Up Trap?"

Do you feel all you do with your friends is recap your life? If so, you might be stuck in the catch-up trap.

Book Bans
By Jamie Kenney

South Dakota Bill Threatens Jail Time For Librarians & Teachers

The bill would erase protections that educators have when it comes to giving “obscene” reading material to minors.

pack up and go
By Katie Garrity

6 Best Kid-Friendly Road Trip Destinations From Chicago

These trips will take you 10 hours or less!

By Katie McPherson

11 Dark Romance Books That’ll Make You Question Your Sanity

I am clutching my pearls and calling your therapists.

By Katie Garrity

ICE Agents Detained A Father During School Drop-Off In A Chicago Neighborhood

Acero Schools officials say the father was picked up with two children in their car.

By Katie Garrity

Peppa Pig’s Mom, Mummy Pig, Is Pregnant With A Third Piglet!

Congrats are in order!

love this for us
By Sarah Aswell

Why Aftercare Makes Having Sex Much More Appealing

I started dating again in my 40s and it feels like people are approaching sex in such a new, open, and different way.

By Sarah Aswell

What Does Good Sex Mean To You?

What separates an everyday roll in the hay from a really magical moment in bed?

Ballpark It For Me
By Julie Sprankles

How Often Couples ‘Should’ Have Sex, According To Sexperts

Is there a Goldilocks number for intimacy? Let’s find out.

"You come here often?"
By Katie McPherson

So You Want To Try Role-Playing

You’ve been together for years. How do you become someone new in the bedroom?

By Brianne Hogan

10 Quiet Sex Toys That’ll Make “Me Time” Super Discreet

The real challenge will be keeping yourself quiet.

Mark Your Calendar
By Samantha Darby

Is Having Sex With Your Partner Only Once A Month Bad?

It only comes out to sex 12 times a year. Is that enough?

the more you know
By Sarah Aswell

Women Share The One Thing About Sex They Wish They Knew Way Sooner

We co-sign so many of these pieces of wisdom.

By Deirdre Kaye

Confession: I Love My Ancient Cat, But I'll Be Relieved When She Dies

“Touched out” means nothing to a cat.

So Underrated
By Kelly Schremph

If You’re A Harry Potter Fan, You Absolutely Need To Watch The 10th Kingdom Miniseries

Hogwarts won’t be the only magical place you’ll want to visit.

Not Today, Baby!
By Jamie Kenney

FDA Approves New Hormone-Free Copper IUD, Miudella

This approval marks the first new copper IUD to come to market in more than 40 years.

Tech Trends
By Megan LaCreta

A New Report Finds 40% Of Kids Have Their Own Screen By 2 Years Old

And by 4 years old, 60% of kids have a tablet.

The Final Countdown
By Jamie Kenney

OB Shares Questions You Should Ask Ahead Of An Induction

“Whether medically indicated or elective, you deserve to be informed going into the process.”

Bring your tools
By Katie McPherson

How To Throw A Nesting Party, From Gift Etiquette To Activity Ideas

New moms want a village for a day more than they want a diaper cake.

*Add To Cart*
By Julie Sprankles

25 Amazon Finds Scary Mommy Editors Are Raving About This Month

From cozy winter essentials to picks that have us ready for spring travel, here are our faves.

By Jamie Kenney

Gentleman Hack Unlocked: Have Your Son Plan "Dates"

Teenage boys aren’t well known for their thoughtfulness or sensitivity... but we can change that.

actual hero
By Katie Garrity

Colorado Rep. Brittany Pettersen Flew With Her Newborn To Make A Close House Vote She Could Not Do Remotely

She’s still on maternity leave.

Don't Say "Moist"
By Elizabeth Narins

I Researched The Pros & Cons Of Every Type Of Humidifier So You Don’t Have To

Let’s cut through the jargon in a ~saturated~ market so your kid can breathe easy all night.

Wait... How Much?
By Jamie Kenney

Why New Parents Are Often Unprepared For The Cost Of Childcare

It’s not that we don’t prepare: it’s that we can’t.

Besties for the restie
By Katie McPherson

The Subtle Signs You’re Your Dog’s Person, So You Can Finally End The Debate

The more you enrich their lives, the more heart eyes they’ll have for you.

i got my eye on you
By Katie Garrity

Joanna Gaines Admits To Using A Tracking App To "Stalk" Her Four Teens

She even tracks their speed while driving.

Mother May I
By Jamie Kenney

Why We Shouldn't Be Pushing For "Good" Children

Our kids need to feel secure enough in our love to be a little sassy from time to time.

Snooze Snacks
By Anna Rahmanan

You Know What Foods To Avoid At Bedtime, But What Foods Help You Sleep?

Turns out, specific nutrients can help you drift off faster.

You'll want seconds
By Katie McPherson

10 Easy Tortellini Recipes To Jazz Up Any Old Ready-Made Pasta

They’re good for more than you think.

My bad
By Samm Davidson

I Swore I Wouldn’t Treat My Youngest As A Baby Forever

I’m holding onto these days so hard.

Sexism Strikes Again
By Jamie Kenney

We Really Need To Change The Way We Talk About Tearing In Childbirth

Why is it that we talk about injured vaginas differently than any other body part? (Oh right, misogyny.)

Oh No! Consequences!
By Jamie Kenney

Former Bully Shares How Her Mom Taught Her Empathy

“I never want to let go of that shame. That shame is good. That’s good shame.”

Just Here For The Hot Dogs
By Jamie Kenney

A Woman Wants To Know Why “Whole Families” Go To Costco Together

“Why is mom, dad, and three frickin’ kids here?”

By Katie Garrity

The Posh Peanut x Gilmore Girls Clothing Collab Will Transport You Right To Stars Hollow

Is it too soon for another rewatch?

Besties for the resties?
By Megan LaCreta

A Mom Shared How The “Circle Of Friends” Technique Helps Children Navigate Frienships

Friendship can be complicated, but this is one way to make it just a little bit easier to navigate.

Are You Gonna Eat That...?
By Jamie Kenney

Snacks Your Kid's Teacher Hates To See Coming

“I know the children love them. However, I think they would be a fantastic snack for after school. At home.”

🎶 Popular, It's Gonna Be Popular 🎶
By Julie Sprankles

Is Universal Already Planning A Wicked World For Epic Universe?

Just point us in the direction of the yellow brick road!

Boss Babies
By Rebecca Leib

Can Your Baby's Name Predict Their Financial Success? What The Research Shows

And what one expert says you should absolutely keep in mind.

Enough Is Enough
By Nadie Bard

Sorry, Grandparents — You Aren't Entitled To See The Grandkids

Signed, a fed-up mom

Yee Haw! 🤠
By Samantha Darby

This Dolly Parton & The Wiggles Collab Is What We Deserve

I've always thought "Working 9 to 5" was the perfect educational song.

By Meaghan O'Connell

Melanie Lynskey's Radical Normal

For three decades, the Yellowjackets star has been elevating movies, Hollywood — hell, American culture itself! — by cranking out one three-dimensional woman after another.

By Megan Harrington and Rachel Cavanaugh

60 Clever Things For Your Home Under $25 That Actually Look Expensive

With these things, a better-looking home costs way less than you’d think.

It's A Man's World
By Jamie Kenney

So When *Exactly* Do Men Become More Rational, Capable, & Fit To Lead?

We have yet to be convinced it happens at all.

Um, What!
By Megan LaCreta

This Mom Gave Her Daughter $200 For Vacation, And Is Shocked That It Wasn't Enough

TikTok mom @thats_inappropriate took to the app to complain that her daughter used her credit card on a four-day vacation.

be that house
By Katie Garrity

This Mom's College-Aged Kid & His Friends Always Hang Out At Home During Break — Here's What She Does To Make That Happen

She shared her list of must-dos to be "that house."

Birthday Wishes
By Jamie Kenney

Mom Sends Out Rules For Child's Birthday Gifts & They're... Something

No colors? Really? What did the colors do?

By Samantha Darby

The February Confessions Are In & The Moms Are Feeling *A Lot*

In the latest Confessions roundup, 21 moms share their motherhood worries and fears.

Appreciation Post
By Kelly Schremph

Rewatching Erin Brockovich As A Mom Made Me Fall In Love With George

Everyone deserves to have a partner like this in their corner.

Sorry for the Mess, Kiddos
By BethAnn Mayer

Beta Babies Are Here — How Do We Support Them In Such A Volatile World?

The new generation began arriving on Jan. 1, 2025, born into an ever-changing economic, educational, and technological landscape.

hard pass
By Lauren Davidson

I Can’t — & Won’t — Force My Husband To Go To The Doctor

It’s not that I don’t care about his health. I’m just not his mother.

By Katie McPherson

My Mental Load Is All These Goddamn Toys

Our marriage feels pretty equal but there is one household domain that still grates on me in an extra special way: toys.

No Thank You, Please
By Samantha Darby

Why Does It Feel Like I Got Punched In The Vagina During My Period?

Cramps are one thing, but this is just cruel.

And The Baby Oscar Goes To...
By Samantha Darby

11 Hot ‘90s Men That Completely Influenced Baby Names

Some names didn’t really exist until these guys did.

too much?
By Katie Garrity

This Mom Emailed Her Son’s Soccer Team With “Real Food” Snack Suggestions & Then Faced Some Serious Backlash

She said she couldn't help herself.

Just... Don't
By Elizabeth Yuko

9 Things You Should Not Say To Your Childfree Friends

You may mean well, but are you doing more harm than good?

School Daze
By Jamie Kenney

Why A Low-Ranking Elementary School Might Be Your Child's Best Option

“I don't believe the rankings tell us much about the school, or at least what I want to know.”

Dual Perspective
By Ari Honarvar

I Chose A Democratic Parenting Style Because Of My Childhood In Iran And My Life In The U.S.

Here’s how — and why — we’re raising our child this way.

Roe v World
By Jamie Kenney

Missouri Bill Wants To Track Pregnant Women "At Risk Of Abortion"

The bill also creates a corollary list of prospective adopters, which the author categorized as “eHarmony for babies.”

Tsk, tsk!
By Megan LaCreta

This Woman Wonders If She Overstepped In Confronting A Stranger's Rude Teen Son

“It just came out of me. I didn't even consciously decide to say something.”

Don't Panic
By Katie McPherson

What To Do If Your Child Starts Pulling Their Hair Out

Body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs) look scary, but they are treatable.

Girl Power
By Samantha Darby

'Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls' Is Almost 10 & We Need It Now More Than Ever

It was necessary in 2016. Now, it feels even more important.

...What You Really, Really Want...
By Jamie Kenney

Do You Have An "Ask" Or "Guess" Family?

Communication styles tend to run in families, and these two camps see relationships and requests very differently.

By Megan LaCreta

Chances Are Your Teen Isn’t Getting Nearly Enough Sleep, According To A New Survey

The number of teens getting 8 hours of sleep has fallen significantly in the last 10 years.

more of this, please
By Katie Garrity

Hospitals Around The Country Are Adding Special Rooms For Grieving Families & Couples

The private space gives parents a moment to breathe.

Bring Back Herd Immunity
By Jamie Kenney

First Death Reported In Texas Measles Outbreak

The virus has, predictably, spread rapidly due to insufficient vaccination rates.

The Canine Gaze
By Elizabeth Yuko

Why Does My Dog Stare At Me? 7 Reasons For All That Intense Eye Contact

Experts offer probable explanations for your pup’s behavior.

Fried rice or tacos?
By Katie McPherson

9 Pork Loin Recipes To Bookmark, Because Those Things Are Always On Sale

They’re good for more than you think.

Stressed & A Little Depressed
By Morgan Flaherty

I Don't Have A Village, & It's F*cking Exhausting

What do you do when there are no grandparents around to help out?

Take Notes ✍️
By Megan LaCreta

How Dads Can Support Postpartum Moms

A new mom on TikTok shared how her husband took care of her postpartum, and new dads everywhere should take notes.

free the vag
By Katie Bingham-Smith

I Haven't Worn Underwear In 25 Years

I’m sure you have questions. Let me answer them.

Here Comes The Airplane...
By Jamie Kenney

When It Comes To Toddler Eating, "Expect The Unexpected"

It’s not personal: it’s just the age...

Time Out
By Jamie Kenney

Mom Shares What Inspired Her To Take Spanking Off The Table

“Spanking is lazy parenting, and I’m saying that as a former spanker.”

By Megan LaCreta

A Teacher Pleads Parents To Teach 3 and 4-Year Olds The Basics Before Starting School

“I need a little less future engineer, a little more current 3-year-old.”

The Most Magical Wait On Earth
By Samantha Darby

The Magic Kingdom Rides Worth The Lightning Lane Cost

Peter Pan, why is your ride so popular?

That's Nuts!
By Megan LaCreta

A New Study Shows How Effective A Simple Treatment Can Be For Mild Peanut Allergies

A full 100% of participants were able to safely consume nearly 3 tablespoons of peanut butter after 18 months of therapy.

new perspective
By Katie Garrity

This Dad From Ukraine's Sweet Video Will Stop All Your Gripes About Spirit Days At School

"She's always excited to have all these cool days."

Attn: Nick Cannon
By Jamie Kenney

Here’s What You Need: Some Super Weird 17th Century Baby Names

Even today’s boldest, most unhinged celebrity probably won’t be naming their child “Revolution” or “Jesus Christ” any time soon...

Do What Makes You Happy
By Deirdre Kaye

At 40, I’ve Finally Entered My Crop-Top Era

IDGAF about what society considers “age-appropriate.”

scratchy scratchy
By Katie McPherson

Why Are My Legs So Itchy All The Time?

Dermatologists explain how to actually help your lotion make a difference.

Untimely Toots
By Brianne Hogan

Yep, Farting During Sex Is A Thing That Happens — Here’s Why

So this is... normal?

That Mom
By Kate Auletta

Jessi Meeks Keeps It Hella Real

The Instagrammer opens up about raising each kid differently, her last meal, who she follows, and more.

Where Should We Begin?
By Jamie Kenney

Utah Bill Limits What Children Can Talk About In Therapy

Mental health organizations have opposed HB-281, which they say could enable child abuse.

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
By Jamie Kenney

This Teacher Thinks “Mean Girls” Exist Because We Don’t Teach Our Daughters How To Speak Up

We’re quick to label girls, but less quick to help them voice their needs.

Come again?
By Katie Garrity

Ohio Bill Aims To Make Ejaculating Without Intent To Conceive A Felony

Men could pay up to $10k in fines.