In Full Bloom! 10 Free Rose Coloring Page Printables For Kids

Most of us think roses are strictly for romance and cheesy Valentine’s Day pick-up-lines. However, roses are more than a cliche. These gorgeous flowers are one of the oldest in the world and come in an array of shapes, sizes, and shades, making them a truly stunning addition to any garden — not to mention making them a fun subject for rose coloring pages. In case you haven’t already guessed, that’s exactly what we did. Best part? Our rose printables are free!
We didn’t just choose roses because they’re a pretty flower to look at. There’s simply something almost magical about this type of flower. Their petals are edible and rose water (made from soaking the petals in water) can be found in various cuisines, preserves, and teas. Speaking of rose water, which is chock-full of antioxidants and vitamin C, it helps soothe skin irritation and helps prevent and treat infections. But enough of what roses do. Even if they couldn’t do anything, just observing and respecting their beauty alone is enough. No wonder they have been referenced in pop culture for centuries, i.e. “Will you accept this rose?”
Of course, roses have also been the focus of many famous artists, too. If you’re feeling like exploring your inner Renoir, you’ll love these rose coloring pages. Roses are red and not typically blue… but that’s totally up to you! Have a blast bringing a little springtime into your life with these blooming pages.
Free Rose Coloring Pages
1. Realistic Rose No. 1
Roses come in a variety of different shades including orange, pink, white, yellow, and red. The red rose is a symbol of love, yellow of friendship, orange of enthusiasm, white of purity, and pink for joy. And thanks to genetic modifications in 2004 resulting in a cerulean rose, you can even break out the blue crayon! What color would you and your little one choose for this one? Did you know there was a war called the War of Roses? It wasn’t as beautiful as it sounded either. It was the base of the Game of Thrones series and lasted from 1455 to 1485.
2. Realistic Rose No. 2
Did you know there are over 100 species of roses? Most species of rose have five petals, except for the species Rosa sericea, a.k.a. the “silky rose,” which only has four. Besides planting them in your garden, you can also eat roses. In fact, in Chinese and Indian dishes, it’s used as a seasoning. Rose oil is also an important ingredient in perfume. It takes about 2,000 roses to get one gram of oil! And did you know rose hips aren’t always red? Some come in dark purple or black.
3. Realistic Rose No. 3
Roses grow almost all over the world, but they are native primarily to the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. They are perennial plants, which means they continuously grow year after year without needing to be replanted. Maybe as you color these gorgeous prints with your little ones, consider whether you would like to grow your own rose garden. Where would you plant one? Which color of roses would you prefer? And if you’re ever looking for some extra vitamin C, rose hips are rich in this vitamin. You can make it into a jam or tea!
4. Rose on a Stem
This beauty of a rose looks like a Valentine’s Day gift. Roses typically have dark green stems that have very sharp prickles, which help protect the rose from animals when it’s growing on a bush. Fun fact: Roses are one of the oldest flowers in the world! Archaeologists have found rose fossils that date back 35 million years. Roses also have a pretty long life span. On the Hildesheim Cathedral in Germany, there’s a rose bush that grows on its wall that’s been there for about a thousand years. People love roses so much, there are more than 4,000 songs about this beautiful flower.
5. Doodle Rose
This cute little doodle rose could definitely use some more flair. Encourage your child to add some bees, butterflies, or other plants to spruce up this picture. And legend has it, Cleopatra would cover her floors with rose petals when Mark Antony visited her. Fun fact: There are only three flowers mentioned in the Bible — lillies, camphire, and roses.
6. Rose Bouquet No. 1
Everyone wants to receive a bouquet of roses. Did you know there is significance in the number of roses in a bouquet? One rose symbolizes love at first sight. Six roses represent an infatuation. A bouquet of nine roses is something more serious, like “We’ll be together forever.” Ten roses? You think your beloved is absolute perfection. And speaking of buying roses, did you know the most expensive rose sold for $15.8 million?
7. Rose Bouquet No. 2
A single rose? Must be love at first sight! However, while roses are often associated with love and romance, they can also symbolize secrecy, balance, clarity, and purity. Roses are so awesome that in 1986, former President Ronald Reagan made it the country’s national flower.
8. Rose Under Glass
Who can forget the famous rose from Beauty and the Beast? The Enchanted Rose is one of the most popular symbols from the 1991 Disney movie representing the fate of the Beast. If he couldn’t earn the love of another, and her love for him, by the time the last petal fell, he would be doomed to be a Beast forever. Thank goodness Belle came along!
9. Rose Arrangement
This is a fun rose arrangement. Consider creating your own with your little one for a special occasion. If anything, have your little one color this one for you instead. And while they’re making art, drop a little culture too. According to Greek mythology, roses come from the tears Aphrodite cried over her lover who had died. It’s strange, but romantic.
10. Blooming Rose
Roses mainly bloom in early summer and fall. If you can’t wait that long, you can enjoy this one, which is what makes coloring these pages so amazing!
Click here to print all of the rose coloring pages at once!
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