Are We Having Fun Yet?

Wine Walks & Other Fun Ideas For Quality Family Time That Isn't Just For Kids

Adding a little something to a routine can make all the difference!

by Jamie Kenney
A split image: on the left, a woman in a cozy sweatshirt asking about a "wine walk". On the right, a...

Spring is at our doorstep, and summer is in sight (casual reminder: don’t forget to fill out those camp forms, they’re going to be due before you know it).

Yes, the nights are getting lighter, and we have more opportunities to spend time outdoors. Fall and winter evenings have their charms. Who doesn’t love snuggling under a blanket by the fire? But after six months of not having much other choice than to stay inside -- in addition to 12+ hours of darkness triggering our seasonal affective disorder -- we’re all gearing up for some fun in the sun at the end of the day.

So, when we saw Instagram user Lauren Miller (@laurenamiller) post a video about “Wine Walks” we were inspired.

A Wine Walk is exactly what it sounds like. You grab a travel mug, pour some wine, grab your baby and your stroller, and set out. A walk around the neighborhood with the stroller is always nice. But add a little travel wine and it just puts an extra pep in your step, as evidenced by the little bell kicks performed by Miller and her partner. Because, really, the value of simple pleasures, especially for parents of young children, cannot be overstated.

We just love the idea of making family bonding time just a little more fun. Sometimes that can involve booze, but it doesn’t have to. One could easily morph “Wine Walks” into “Milkshake Mosies” or “Cheese Treks.” (Not to self: cut up some delicious cheeses to have ready for your next walk...) So we came up with some other ideas — in the spirit of Wine Walks — to better enjoy the sunny season.

But first, a disclaimer: when we incorporate booze into these ideas (which, again, is totally optional within the activity itself) we’re talking about a drink. It’s not fun or particularly great parenting to get sloppy on a random weekday evening with little ones in tow. So enjoy your Wine Walk — and any of the following ideas — in moderation.

Inflatable Pool Nightcaps

This is something I did two summers in a row, and I don’t know why I ever stopped. You know the inflatable pool your kids have been splashing in all day? In the evening, the water is warmer from having been in the sun all morning and afternoon and it’s the perfect temperature to just kind of sit in with a drink and/or a book (either one you’re reading or a kind of pool time story hour). It’s a great space to sit as a family and chat about your day.

Cocktail Croquet

Obviously toddlers aren’t going to be super great at lawn sports, but if you have older kids I can’t recommend this one enough. Put a beverage of your choice in a teacup for added fanciness and it’s going to be a great night.

Drive-In & Drinks

Pick up a projector and a great big sheet and watch a movie al fresco. You can pop up some popcorn, crack open a beer for you, and chocolate milk for the kiddos, and enjoy some relaxing family time. It’s the best kind of parenting: a special event that takes basically no special effort.

Playground Tailgate (No Booze Plz)

Pretty much any public playground is going to have rules against alcohol (with good reason). But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a little picnic dinner or dessert at the playground. Invite some friends from the neighborhood to join you— now you and the kids are getting some important socializing in. Bonus: running around close to bedtime will zonk those kids out so you can enjoy the rest of your warm weather night in peace.

Now go out there and enjoy the sunshine... after you fill out those camp forms. Seriously, they fill up so fast you don’t want to miss out...