A Pediatrician Shares What To Feed Your Kids On Busy Sports Nights
It’s really not as complicated as you think.

There is a huge logistics struggle in my house every sports season: Should we eat dinner at 4 p.m. or 9 p.m.? With three kids and two of them in sports practices several times a week, it’s a serious challenge. And not just figuring out timing, but figuring out what’s best for everyone. Should the kids who don’t have practice eat at a normal time, and their sibling can eat alone when they get home? If we’re all out of the house, do we make it a regular sit-down dinner or just grab sandwiches on the way out the door? I worry that sending my kids off to run around for an hour with a belly full of spaghetti isn’t great, but having them eat a casserole at 9:00 and go straight to bed also doesn’t seem right.
This is where I wish that futuristic Dial-a-Meal thing from The Jetsons actually happened for us.
I know I’m not alone with these concerns, and while we shouldn’t overthink it (it’s fine if you guys all have to eat at separate times once a week), there are some guidelines to follow. Pediatrician Dr. Arunima Agarwal tells me that when it comes to feeding your kids on busy sports nights, a lot of it depends on your kid, their own personal hunger levels, and how much energy they’re going to exert during their activity. If they’re heading to a music lesson, give them a light snack before they go, even just an hour before the start time to keep them focused. If they’re heading off to exert a whole lot more activity and be involved in some cardio, you could try to provide a meal two to three hours before with protein and complex carbs. (So yes, that might mean dinner at 4:00 p.m. And that’s just fine.)
“I always recommend nourishing kids before their practices — you don’t want kids to feel drained or hungry in the middle of their activities,” Agarwal says. She recommends bigger meals with carbs and protein if whatever activity they’re doing will require a lot more physical output. But above all, you have to remember those carbs. “They need the balance of carbs for energy and protein for sustenance to keep them going.”
And while you’re nourishing them, Agarwal says there’s one very important thing to remember: hydration. You obviously want them to have water during their game or practice, but she says many people forget to keep kids hydrated before they head off to their activity. So, as soon as they’re home from school, especially in hot weather, make sure they’re chugging their water before they head off to practice. You can also keep them hydrated with an electrolyte drink. Agarwal recommends Cure Kids, which gives them the right balance of sodium and potassium without added sugar.
If you’re worried about making time for a big meal before chauffeuring everyone around to their practices and games, don’t panic. A protein and complex carb meal doesn’t have to mean a giant homemade roast and potatoes. “You want to make sure the meal is easy to digest, can be eaten quickly, and provides sustained energy,” Agarwal says. “Light snack options can look like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, turkey, chicken or tuna, wholesome energy bars, or cheese with fruit and whole grain crackers. Hard-boiled eggs are good for high protein and quick snacks, and you can give carrots or other veggies on the side.”
If you do have time to whip up a meal or want to meal prep, pasta is a great option. Just add some protein — meatballs, especially made from ground turkey or chicken, are great — and some veggies. (Agarwal says frozen spinach is an excellent, easy addition.) “The carb and protein combo is key,” she says. “Tacos or fajitas are another popular option. Choose ground turkey or chicken breast, veggies like peppers, whole grain tortillas, and salsa over sour cream.”
OK, so now you’ve fed them. Maybe something light or maybe something a bit heavier. But it’s been several hours now, they’re finally showered and in bed, and they say they’re hungry. Is it OK to feed them something else that late? What about if you just got home and didn’t manage to get anything for dinner beforehand except cheese and crackers?
Agarwal says there is some truth to the idea that eating right before bed isn’t great. “Lying down right after a meal disrupts digestion; the risk of reflux increases — think of burping a baby after meals rather than lying them down — and indigestion is more likely. Blood sugar is affected — it goes up after a meal, and then when you sleep, it will go down/crash, which can disrupt your sleep quality.” But she also doesn’t want you to send your kids to bed hungry, so grab a light snack for them and keep it small. She also recommends avoiding spicy or overly sweet foods. Think half a sandwich, an unsweetened yogurt, or cheese and crackers. In our own house, sometimes a small bowl of a cereal like Chex or Rice Krispies really does the trick.
So, try not to overthink it. Agarwal says you know your kid best. If they’ve had a good amount of food already and aren’t doing a sport or activity that requires a ton of physical exertion, just give them a snack and head out the door. If you know their physical output is going to be intense, try to whip up a quick protein and carb meal to keep their energy levels up, and follow with a snack once you’re home. If you can’t feed your kids until after practice, maybe let them eat in the car on the way home so they have time to digest while they’re showering and getting ready for bed.
But above all, keep them hydrated. Water and an electrolyte drink mix can really do the trick.