This Mom Accidentally Invited All Her Phone Contacts To Her Daughter's Birthday
But it gets so much worse from there...

Most of us can probably recall some sort of digital whoopsie where a message went somewhere other than its intended recipient. I once texted one friend about another only to discover I was texting the person I was talking about. (Thank god it wasn’t anything I wouldn’t have said to their face.) But others aren’t so lucky.
In a recently revived video, TikTok user Emily King, who posts as @twodachshundkings, talked about accidentally inviting almost 500 people to her daughter Ivy’s birthday.
“I just made an Evite for my daughter’s first birthday party,” she begins, sounding as though she is simultaneously restraining laughter and also terrified.
“And on Evite it says ‘Import Contacts?’ And I thought it may import to select through. No. It imported all 487 of my contacts and invited them to this birthday party.”
Honestly, at this point, I’m already shrieking and experiencing intense fremdschämen, which is a German word referring to the vicarious embarrassment you feel for another person. But it gets so much worse...
“Not only did I invite my boss, all of my coworkers, all of the people that have ever been stored in my phone, but it sent the invitation based off of how they are stored in my phone,” she explained. “‘Derek [Eyeroll Emoji], he received an invitation. ‘Jess Hit Her Car In Parking Lot...’”
Panicking. I’m absolutely panicking. Honestly, this is the moment when I realized my only recourse was to walk into the sea or hurl myself into a volcano. King felt a similar way, it seems.
“I have to quit or get a new identity,” she joked.
“How did Evite create that feature and think ‘Yeah, this is what people want’ as a result?” one commenter marveled.
To the company’s credit, Evite has changed the feature “so it never happens to another user” and titled it “The Emily Hotfix.” They also sent King a $250 DoorDash gift certificate to help fund a bigger party size.
“Evite needs to sponsor this party,” said another.
“Oh my goddddddd imagining all my old tinder dates getting an Evite to my daughter’s party,” laughed a third.
And indeed, according to reporting from Today, King invited “Justin Delta Sky Lounge” a cute guy she flirted with when she was 21, all her ex-boyfriends, and someone listed solely as “Cute guy from bar.” She also invited 70 of her current students.
But the most liked comment of them all was the one asking for an update.
Fortunately, it would seem all’s well that ends well. Ivy’s beautiful Lord of the Rings-themed birthday party appears to have come together perfectly, and while there was a good turnout it does not appear as though there were 487 people there... though a few dozen accidental invites did show up.
Good thing King is a “the more the merrier” kind of mom!