this is community

A New Mom Captures The Beauty Of Having A Village With Her Front Door Cam

From zero to tears in 25 seconds.

by Sarah Aswell
A woman posted the sweetest montage of her village showing up for her after giving birth.
@honeyathome / TikTok

One of the biggest problems with life in modern America is the lack of a built-in village — like the kind that they have in other communities around the world. For a lot of reasons, moms in the United States are more isolated and alone in the days, weeks, months, and years after a birth than moms of the past, or even moms in neighboring countries. At the same time, with terrible family leave, thin social services, and the childcare crisis, it is just ducking hard to have and raise a baby.

That’s all pretty depressing and dark, but it’s also good to focus on the little things, like the village that you do have, the community members who do show up, and the friends who do freeze you enchiladas.

That’s exactly what new mom Amanda Wells, @honeyathome on TikTok, decided to do with a sweet montage video of all the people who showed up for her after the birth of her child.

“Watch my village show up after bringing home my newborn, she wrote in the video. “Can’t thank them enough for coming together and helping us adjust to our new life as parents…and for all the food.”

The post is just 24 seconds long, but there’s something about the sense of community that really get the waterworks started. It doesn’t help that the sweetest song, “Little Life” by Cordelia, is playing in the background.

The video shows a front door or doorbell camera of Well’s front stoop — and patches together footage of everyone who stopped by to help her postpartum. In the first few seconds, we see Wells and her partner bringing home baby. And then we see a parade of friends and family helping out. Some carrying frozen casseroles, some dropping off groceries, others just stopping in to help — and one woman bringing a joyful bouquet of balloons along with a big stuffed animal. One helpful neighbor shovels their walkway.

The video has been viewed almost 16 million times and users have left over 16,000 comments on it.

In the comments so many people were touched by the short video.

“You have an amazing neighbors and it only shows that you have a good and wonderful family,” one person wrote.

“You are so lucky!” said another.

Although the video just made some people upset that they lacked this kind of community when they brought their kids home.

“Something I do envy that other have and I don’t,” one person wrote. “You are truly blessed.”

“The homemade meals love language that’s something I personally really wish I had,” one person said. “I lived off frozen meals the first 2 months.”

“I love being happy for strangers, I'm so glad you have all these people who love and support you 🥰 we only had 1 visitor when my son was born,” another shared.

A few other people shared the kind things their community did when they welcomed a new child.

“When we had our twins... neighbors we hadn't met, brought us diapers and food... I cried because it was so amazing seeing people come together,” one person shared.

“Our neighbor plays loud music every single day until night time but when we brought home our newborn, they stop playing loud music,” another said.

Hopefully this video will encourage more people to bing on the support when a friend, family member, or neighbor needs some extra help.