No teef!

Why Does My Dog Nibble On Me? A Vet Explains How To Stop Their Corn Cobbing

There are a lot of reasons why dogs engage in this cute but — ouch! — pesky behavior.

by Katie McPherson
White chihuahua nibbling on its owner's hand, in a story answering the question, why does my dog nib...
Westend61/Getty Images

Does your dog treat you like corn on the cob? Every so often, my pup will lie next to me on the couch or stop mid-play session to nibble with her tiny front teeth on my hand or arm. A quick Reddit search reveals that it’s actually pretty common for dogs to do this. So, if you’ve ever wondered to yourself, “Why does my dog nibble on me?” you’re not alone. Dogs have all kinds of quirky behaviors, from getting the zoomies to scooting their booties around on the rug. So, what’s the deal with this one?

The thing with the nibbling is that it’s not a bite or aggressive in any way. It’s such a gentle little front-teeth-only thing. Folks on Reddit seem to agree that the behavior is a way for your dog to show affection by grooming you. Others posted videos of their pups nibblin’ away and asked if they “should” teach them not to, even if it doesn’t hurt. I asked a veterinary expert what is driving my dog to nibble up and down my arms at night, and how I could kindly get her to quit — she’s a large breed, and sometimes it really hurts.

Why does your dog nibble on you?

First things first: If your dog is nibbling on themselves, you should definitely take them to a vet to rule out any medical causes.

“This behavior could be due to pruritis — aka itching — which is often secondary to allergies or fleas,” says Dr. Carly Fox, senior veterinarian in the emergency and critical care services at the Schwarzman Animal Medical Center. “It could also be a sign of discomfort, especially if they nibble the same spot on their bodies repeatedly. In some cases, the nibbling can be behavioral because of boredom or lack of mental stimulation.”

Now, if your dog is nibbling only on you or another pet in the home, it’s likely their way of showing affection or being playful, Fox says. In puppies, you might notice they do their little corn cobbing bites more while they’re teething. Veterinarian Dr. Alex Crow told Yahoo! Life that the nibbling is “a natural behavior that they learn from their mothers as puppies” and plays a role in bonding. So, if you’re cozied up with your fur child and they start cobbing, they’re just feeling affectionate. If they wield their teeth while wagging, jumping, or pawing at you, they’re likely asking to play.

How to teach your dog to stop corn cobbing

If you like the nibble sessions and they don’t hurt you, then great — proceed with the practice. Just make sure it’s only you they’re after, not themselves. “If your dog is nibbling you and you don’t mind, then you do not necessarily need to discourage the behavior. If your dog is biting themselves or seems uncomfortable, itchy, or develops hair loss or a rash, they should be evaluated by a veterinarian,” Fox says.

If, like me, you have a dog who sometimes nibbles a little too hard and you’d like them to stop, there are some things you can try to discourage the behavior, Fox says.

  • Give them something else to chew on, like a toy or bone.
  • Provide some mental stimulation, like a treat puzzle or a training exercise.
  • Start a game of fetch or play with their favorite toy.
  • Offer positive reinforcement, like treats and attention, when they are calm and not exhibiting the behavior.

So, if you’ve ever been corn cobbed by your dog, just know they’re using one of their communication tools to tell you how much they love you, or want to play with you. If you like it, you can let them keep at it. And if it’s a little too painful to bear, even when the nibbles are meant with love, you can still find ways to show your dog you love them too that don’t involve teeth.