Woman Wants To Know If She’s “Hypersensitive” After Husband Buys A Vacuum For Her 50th Birthday
She took him to Hawaii for his 50th, just FYI.

Here at Scary Mommy, we don’t like to encourage waste. For example, if your jeans are ripped, don’t throw them out and buy new ones: learn to patch them! Don’t dump those leftovers in the bin: make a concerted effort to eat them instead of buying lunch at a fast food place.
But every now and then, we move past the ability to salvage something. Sometimes, tragically, you have to throw the whole man out. Such is the case with one Redditor who reports that her husband bought her a vacuum for her birthday — for her 50th birthday.
As of press time, the 3-day-old post currently has a staggering 27,000 upvotes and 10,000 comments. That might be a record for raising an army of that size because, make no mistake, commenters are willing to ride into battle for this poor woman.
“Title says it all,” writes Redditor u/Plastic_Cat9560. (We’ll call her Cat from here on out.) “Turned 50 yesterday. Husband (53M) woke me up, told me he had a surprise for me downstairs. I go downstairs and see a vacuum, not even wrapped mind you.”
Not. Even. Wrapped.
“He said he thought I’d like a new one since the current one doesn’t have the ability to turn off the brush roller when using on hard floors,” she continues and, yes, of course: versatile brush rollers are obviously thee thing that gets the ladies excited.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: surely, that was just part of the birthday celebrations, right? No. That was it. No nice meal out. No other gifts. Just the vacuum. Cat thought, surely, the fact that he mentioned taking a special trip a month ago was a hint that he was planning something big. And that made sense: after all, she took him to Hawaii for his 50th birthday. (I repeat: she. took. him. to. Hawaii. and. he. got. her. a. vacuum.) Nope. The “surprise” he’s been teasing at for the past month was “a f*cking vacuum.”
“We’ve been married 17 years,” she says. “AITA for hoping or expecting that maybe he could have planned and surprised me with something? Anything? ... Maybe I’m just being hypersensitive.”
Commenters were largely supportive... and also kind of hilarious.
“I’m so sorry. Do you need bail money?” asks one. (Cat, if yes, go ahead and send us the GoFundMe link...)
“Take yourself to Hawaii, and leave the vacuum in the living room,” suggests another.
“Re-gift it back to him on the next occasion that calls for gifts,” offers a third commenter and, honestly, that’s a brilliant idea.
You took him to Hawaii. He bought you a vacuum cleaner,” declares another. “You aren’t overly sensitive. Your husband is a prick.”
Word to the wise, gents: when it comes to birthdays, unless she has explicitly asked for it, do not give your partner anything related to cleaning, cooking, or exercise. It’s just not going to go well for you...