TikTok Star Offers Novel Solution To Gun Violence In America
“If I have to insure my Honda Civic you need to insure your gun.”

Among the perpeutally hot button issues in the United States is the subject of guns. While an majority of Americans are in favor of stricter gun laws, including universal background checks, there does not seem to be the political will to move forward with tightening regulations and restrictions on firearms. But TikTok star Ryann, who posts as @ryannpdatsme, offers a novel solution to this fraught topic: gun insurance.
“I don’t say this often, but I think the insurance companies need to get involved,” she says. “In fact I don’t think I’ve ever said that in my life, but ... it’s up to the insurance companies.”
In its own way, it makes sense. She explains...
“Call me radical, but I think the guns should start to have to have insurance policies. ... If I have to insure my Honda Civic you need to insure your gun. As with anything valuable in this life, your health, your phone, your house, your car, you insure it. If your guns are that valuable to you, it shouldn’t be a problem to insure them. Could you imagine? Can’t buy no gun until you’e got gun insurance, baby. Can’t take it nowhere until you’ve got gun insurance. Gotta show your proof of f-cking insurance. If somebody does something stupid with their gun then guess who’s got to pay for it? The insurance company; that’s going to regulate some sh*t real fast.”
She further illustrates her point my making the analogy of someone injuring themselves on her property. “If you’re at my house and you fall off my roof, that’s on my home insurance policy, right? If you’re playing with my gun and you shoot somebody, that’s on my gun insurance policy, right?”
She then cheekily adds, “B*tch, I ain’t going to let just anybody have my motherf*cking gun. Hell no: I pay insurance on this b*tch.”
TikTok commenters mostly applauded this novel approach with @evlburn23 agreeing “I think it should be just like cars. Insurance, safety course and classes. Guns based on level of classes like ... shot gun Class C, handgun Class B, semi-auto A.”
“As the owner of [a gun], I approve,” says @hail_seitan013. “It’s the responsible and reasonable solution. And you’re right, the insurance companies will lobby for legislation when it impacts their bottom line.”
“This is the best system I’ve heard so far,” marveled @_livierrr_. “We own mant, mostly for hunting but also self defense. We are responsible owners but we agree something needs to be tightened. I like this.”
Others were skeptical. “They already have it,” replied @vinnietodd1. “But just like car insurance or any other insurance, not everyone carries it, and I’m pretty sure criminals won’t get it no matter the fine for not having it.” (Follow up comments, however, countered the assertion noting that getting caught without gun insurance is not the same as getting caught without mandated insurance like car insurance, which will earn a citation.)
No solution is ironclad, but this seems as good a place to start as any... and, overwhelmingly, Americans believe we need to start somewhere, and soon.