“I’m Not Into The Holidays This Year At All”
In the latest Confessions roundup, the moms share all of their holiday stress and fears.

The holidays bring a lot of joy, a lot of love, and a lot of magic — but they can also bring a lot of stress. From extended family gatherings to in-laws going against all of your boundaries, so much can give you the ick this time of year. Moms are anonymously confessing their deepest worries and fears during this season, from fretting over finances to feeling like the holiday spirit just isn’t there... no matter how hard they try.
But these Scary Mommy Confessions prove that no mom feeling guilty about Santa, sex with their partner, or the mental load of the holidays is alone. Pour you a (spiked?) mug of eggnog, put whatever you want on the television (no Elf if you don’t want it), and take a breath. We’re going to make it through.
Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, look for our weekly callouts on Instagram. And to browse past Confessions, head here.
Dreading my MIL telling me how to care for my baby over the holidays.
Confession #52217248
Had another kid for my husband just to be more absent.
Confession #52809663
I had to lie about my kid getting sick so I can WFH today; my older colleagues don’t understand.
Confession #52516143
I wish my mom friends wanted to do more things without our kids.
Confession #54948912
How much longer do I have to pretend Santa is real for my 8 year old?! The struggle!
Confession #51968292
I have so much credit card debt on just two cards, but I can’t stop using them with no disposable income.
Confession #50498993
I’m a lot smarter than my husband, and it’s a huge turn-off.
Confession #50615615
Anxiety ridden and feeling like I don’t have enough time with my kids 😭
Confession #54409210
I miss COVID-era holidays when I had no extended family obligations 😩
Confession #53368953
Empty nest ‘ain’t what it’s cracked up to be’!! He’s soooo annoying!
Confession #50259115
My PPD/PPA is getting worse and I don’t know how to tell my husband.
Confession #50569955
Unpopular opinion, but I’m sick of SAHMs complaining about how ‘hard’ it is. I’m trying to work.
Confession #50833884
Holidays stress me out; deadbeats resurface to save face.
Confession #53783000
I want a permanent hiatus from sex. So over it right now.
Confession #52692287
My husband was gone for a week for work, and honestly it was easier without him here.
Confession #51311648
I’m not into the holidays this year at all. I feel guilty I’m not bringing the holiday vibes 🥺
Confession #50797186