Yep, Farting During Sex Is A Thing That Happens — Here’s Why
So this is... normal?

Sex can be awkward at the best of times, whether it's being intimate with a new partner or having sex again after a dry spell. Then when you factor in everything from queefs to leg cramps to being on your period, sex can also be hella awkward and uncomfortable at the worst of times.
Let's not forget about farting.
Maybe you ate too many cruciferous vegetables at dinner or are experiencing a bout of bloating. However you got here, you should know that experiencing a case of the untimely toots while getting down is a real-life experience that can happen to anyone.
Though it can be embarrassing and awkward, farting is a natural bodily function, and as recent surveys have shown, couples who are open enough to fart in front of each other may have stronger bonds and better emotional health as a couple.
Whether you find it humiliating or hilarious, letting one rip during a hot and heavy bedroom session is (mostly) normal. If you're wondering how many is too many toots, and if there are ways to control the urge to pass gas while being passionate, below are some expert tips on what you need to know about farting during sex.
Is farting during sex normal?
Yes, farting during sex is super normal.
According to sexologist Dr. Tara Suwinyattichaiporn, there are various reasons explaining why you might fart during sex. The first of which, she says, is increased abdominal pressure since sex involves movement and pressure on the abdomen, which can push gas out of the intestines or rectum.
Another common reason? The food you're eating prior to sex: "The foods consumed before sex can play a role. Foods high in fiber, sodas, and dairy (for those lactose intolerant like me) can cause excessive gas production, making it more likely to be released during intimate moments," Suwinyattichaiporn explains.
Pelvic floor and anal sphincter control may be another reason, says Suwinyattichaiporn, since the pelvic floor muscles play a big role in controlling bowel movements and gas release. If these muscles weaken or relax during intercourse (especially in penetrative sex), it can cause the unintentional release of gas.
And people who have IBS, eat a high-fiber diet, are lactose intolerant, or have weaker pelvic floor muscles are also more susceptible to releasing gas during sex.
What are the best positions to avoid this?
If you've eaten some Taco Bell takeout and you're worried that some tooting is definitely in the cards, Suwinyattichaiporn says there are a few positions that are good for fart prevention.
She recommends spooning since, in this side-lying position, "both partners face the same direction, reducing pressure on the abdomen and allowing for more controlled muscle engagement."
Also, she suggests a relaxed missionary position with minimal deep thrusting and pressure on the stomach, which can help avoid unnecessary gas movement.
If you're concerned about positions to avoid that would encourage farting, Suwinyattichaiporn advises against doggy style, which can put pressure on the stomach and intestines, increasing the chance of farting. The same goes for any deep penetration positions. "Positions with deep thrusting can stimulate the intestines, shifting trapped gas," she explains.
What can you do to prevent farting during sex?
Suwinyattichaiporn's number one tip to prevent farting during sex is to focus on your diet first. "Eat a moderate amount of natural foods that don't cause gas and bloating before sex or have sex before lunch or dinner," she suggests. Basically, skip the bowls of chili and high servings of broccoli and ice cream before heading to the bedroom.
Swallowing a lot of air, such as eating or drinking quickly or chewing gum, can also increase flatulence. "Try taking your time while eating and drinking, and don't chew gum before sex," Suwinyattichaiporn advises. If you want that fresh breath feeling, "opt for mints instead!"
Constipated? Then, you're more likely to fart during sex. If you struggle with constipation, Suwinyattichaiporn suggests trying fiber supplements to help with your daily bowel movement or seeking advice from your doctor for a long-term solution.
Does farting during sex ever require... medical attention?
While farting during sex is often normal and not a big deal, when it's very frequent and/or uncontrollable, Suwinyattichaiporn says you might want to give your doctor a call.
"There isn't a magic number, but, on average, people fart 12 to 25 times a day. So if you're farting 40 or more times a day, it might be a problem," she says. "When it accompanies other more serious symptoms such as heartburn, diarrhea, or blood in stool, and/or causes you regular stomach pain, and it affects your daily life, then you definitely want to see a doctor."