Can You Call The Easter Bunny? Yep! How To Reach The Legendary Rabbit
Hop to it.

Break out your phone, because it's just about time to call the Easter Bunny. Yup, that's a thing. Since Christmas came and went in the blink of an eye and Valentine's Day has left us for another year, Easter is the next stop on the holiday train. With it? The Easter Bunny, hiding chocolate eggs, Peeps, and other sugary treats for your kids that Mom may or may not indulge in herself. The Easter Bunny might not be as popular as Santa Claus, but one could argue he's definitely cuter (and furrier). And just like St. Nick, the Easter Bunny has a bit of mystique to him that might leave your kids asking, "Where does the Easter Bunny live? How does he find all these delicious eggs? Does he have a family?"
If you'd like to know the answers to those questions — or better yet, have your kids ask the bunny himself — you're in luck. Thanks to the beauty of technology, there are some Easter Bunny apps and devices that allow your own little bunnies to reach out directly to the Easter Bunny (yes, it would seem bunnies speak). Keep reading for all the ways you can put your kids in touch with the bunny, the myth, the legend himself.
Call the Easter Bunny
This Call the Easter Bunny app allows the bunny to call you! It features a pre-recorded phone call from the Easter Bunny at any time you wish. Then he will call your kids right at that time and ask them questions, including their names. He'll also tell them that he'll fill their baskets with sweet gifts since he recognizes their good behavior. And the most precious part? Each conversation is voice-recorded for parents to save to their camera roll so you can revisit this memory again and again. Share the magic via your social media or send the moment as a cute video to Grandma and Grandpa.
Send the Easter Bunny a Letter
There's a place called Easter Island, and while no one knows precisely where the Easter Bunny lives, some people believe he lives there. We can neither confirm nor deny that the Easter Bunny lives on Easter Island. But we can confirm that your kid might receive a response if they send a letter to him at: Easter Bunny, Easter Island Post Office – Rapa Nui, Isla da Pascua, Chile. The post office on Easter Island reportedly displays Easter Bunny letters, and citizens and tourists can adopt one or two Easter Bunny letters to write a friendly note back to the child.
Email the Easter Bunny
If the kiddies are too impatient for snail mail, they can send an email to the Easter Bunny. Simply fill out the form with your email address to subscribe to the Easter Bunny's newsletter. You'll receive a confirmation email, and then you'll receive correspondence during the Easter season. It'll include the latest Easter Bunny scoop, as well as emails from the Easter Bunny Helpers and Littles, and much much more, including some funny Easter Bunny jokes.
Call the Easter Bunny's Voicemail
Sometimes the Easter Bunny is too busy to pick up the phone. Hey, those chocolate eggs can't deliver themselves! Calling the Easter Bunny's voicemail is the next best thing. With this free app, your kids can place calls to the Easter Bunny, listen to his voice message, and then record and play back a voice message for him. There's also an option for text messaging the Easter Bunny where kids can tell him whether they've been good this year and see if he replies.
Bonus! Keep Tabs on the Easter Bunny
Are your kids curious about where the Easter Bunny is hopping off to next when it comes to delivering Easter eggs and candy to kids? You can actually get a full rundown of the rabbit’s whereabouts (Santa isn’t the only one with a lot of stops to make) — there are several Easter Bunny tracker apps you can use.
Catch the Easter Bunny When He Arrives
You’ve called him and tracked him and now the kiddos are finally zonked out in bed, ready for Easter morning. What else can you do to up the “Easter Magic”? Thanks to apps like Catch a Character, you can snap a photo that catches the holiday hare in the act!
Take a picture of somewhere in your home (maybe by your kids’ Easter baskets), then go into the app to choose which pose you’d like the Easter Bunny to use, then voila — you have proof you can show your kiddos that the Easter Bunny really did hop, er, stop by.
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