Japan Has A 'My Little Pony' Cafe That Will Make Your Childhood Dreams Come True

A cafe in Japan is decorated with a “My Little Pony” theme through the end of November and it’s the best thing ever for nostalgic moms and their Pony-obsessed kids. The restaurant is including decor and memorabilia from both the old-school ponies and the versions our kids are now familiar with. The end result is an adorable atmosphere that people of all ages can squeal over.
Check this place out and tell me you’re not ready to fly to Harujuku, Japan and order some rainbow pancakes with a few plush ponies by your side:
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Image via Twitter
Image via Twitter
Yes, that is a My Little Pony image sprinkled craftily onto a hot beverage and yes, that was probably me you just heard squealing over the cutest toast ever made. This is ridiculously adorable and blends both generations one and four My Little Ponies for a dash of nostalgia, plus, something to keep today’s little ones entranced. According to Mental Floss, there are even My Little Pony cut-outs to pose with for photos along with pony dolls and stuffed toys scattered all around the restaurant. I can’t even imagine how excited my daughter would be to eat at a place like this and yes, her mother too.
The fun doesn’t stop with the loads of My Little Pony-themed menu items and decor. There is also a gift shop where restaurant patrons can snag notebooks, pens, bath towels, jewelry and tote bags. Most of it is “generation one” merchandise from the 1980’s, which makes it a nostalgia-lover’s dream. Ebay has nothing on this selection.
It’s a bummer that this cafe is only open for a limited number of months and that it’s not in the United States, but this seems like such an easy thing for a restaurant to do. So many of the little touches look like they could be created quickly and not for much money. Hell, I might even make some of them myself and feed my kids toast with Rainbow Dash screen-printed on top. It would be so fun if some American restaurants tried adopting fun themes on a temporary basis that both parents and kids could enjoy. It seems like a simple way to attract new customers and make dining out entertaining for all ages.