Quit Monkeying Around And Print Out These 11 Gorilla Coloring Pages

At first glance, gorillas can appear intimidating. They’re giant, for one thing. These large apes are the world’s largest primates and can grow up to four to six feet tall and typically weigh around 150 to 400 pounds (if not bigger!). But gorillas are more gentle than we assume. Despite their enormity, these rare animals are generally peaceful, social, and mainly vegetarian creatures. Young gorillas like to chase and tumble with one another and enjoy playing fun games like Follow the Leader while their protective mamas rest nearby and watch the action. Sounds pretty familiar, huh? In fact, gorillas and humans share many similarities, including sharing 98 percent of our DNA with them. So, we have a lot more in common with these mighty beasts than we might think! And you know a fantastic way to pay tribute to them? Immortalizing them in art through our collection of gorilla coloring pages, which, bonus, are full of interesting facts.
Gorillas are majestic and extraordinary animals, and the more we understand and empathize with them, the more we will want to ensure they’re around for many generations to come. So, cozy up with your little ones and some crayons and get ready to bring some gorillas to life — we’re sure your kids will really ape-preciate it! If your little ones go totally bananas for these and want to continue the coloring fun, you can check out our collections of other majestic African animals. We’ve got hippo coloring pages, zebra coloring pages, giraffe coloring pages, cheetah coloring pages, lion coloring pages, and even elephant coloring pages.
Free Printable Gorilla Coloring Pages
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There are two species of gorilla: eastern and western. The popular mountain gorilla is a subspecies of the eastern gorilla, and with only an estimated 1,063 left in the wild, they’re considered an endangered species.
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Ever wonder where these gentle giants live? Well, gorillas are native to Africa. Mountain gorillas live in the mountains of Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, while lowland gorillas live in the forests of central and western Africa.
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Surprisingly, gorillas are primarily herbivores and enjoy snacking on roots, shoots, fruit, bark, and wild celery. They’re also known to eat small animals and insects. A male gorilla can eat up to 40 pounds of vegetation each day! Here’s another exciting gorilla point: Did you know they have the bite force of six human beings put together? Their bite force is about 1,300 per square inch, which is a little more than a lion or tiger, which is about 1,000 per square inch.
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This gorilla may be all alone, but gorillas are social creatures that prefer to live in groups. Cool fact: Groups of gorillas are called troops or bands. A band of gorillas can have as many as 50 members, which could make for some pretty sweet music if they could play any instruments!
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Speaking of musical primates, Koko — one of the most famous gorillas of all time — was known to play wind instruments like recorders, harmonicas, and party favor whistles. A female western lowland gorilla born (and studied) at the San Francisco Zoo, Koko became famous for learning American Sign Language and her love for kittens. When she passed away in her sleep at age 46, a press release on her life included these sweet words: “[Her] impact has been profound and what she has taught us about the emotional capacity of gorillas and their cognitive abilities will continue to shape the world.”
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At night, gorillas cozy up together in the nests they create, either in the trees or on the ground. And, of course, mama and baby gorillas sleep together — just like you and your baby.
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Gorillas communicate with each other using 16 different types of calls, including short barks, growls, and roars. Male gorillas will strut and pound their chests to intimidate other rivals.
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In the wild, gorillas can live to be over 40 years old. Three-and-a-half years and under classifies a gorilla as an infant, while eight years old classifies a gorilla as an adult.
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Do you think this mama is looking for her little one? Just like human mamas, gorillas are pregnant for nine months and typically only carry and give birth to one baby at a time. Young gorillas weigh about four pounds when they’re born and will ride on their mothers’ backs as a form of transportation until they’re about three years old.
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Sadly, loss of habitat remains a significant threat to gorillas. As the regions around them expand due to population increases, their forests get chopped down for farmland, fuel, and housing. Thankfully, many environmentalists, scientists, and organizations are doing what they can to help preserve this amazing species.
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Gorillas are incredibly large creatures. They can grow up to six feet tall, and Eastern Lowland gorillas can weigh over 500 pounds. But gorillas aren’t just big, they’re also pretty fast. Silverbacks can run at a top speed of 25 miles per hour! Can you guess how many gorillas live in the world? It’s about 1,063. Some scientists even believe gorillas may have spiritual views since they grieve and express thoughts like empathy and imagination.
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