Kylie Kelce Shares 3 Things Men Should Do For Their Pregnant Partners
The podcaster recently opened up on the podcast 'Call Her Daddy’ about parenting, having four girls, and Taylor Swift.

Football season is officially over, but there’s never an off-season for our very favorite football-adjacent spouse, Kylie Kelce. Especially in the wake of an Eagles win. Yes, her husband Jason retired last year, but once a bird always a bird.
In a recent interview on Call Her Daddy, Kelce spoke with host Alex Cooper about preparing for Baby #4 (a fourth girl!), pregnancy, and family life, which she says is far less interesting than people assume it is.
On pregnancy
Kelce may seem as though she’s basking in maternal radiance this pregnancy, but don’t be fooled.
“Everyone will say ‘Oh, you’re glowing!’ and I’m like ‘No, I’m sweating because I’m either nauseous or it’s too hot in here,” she told Cooper. Unfortunately for Kelce, nausea tends to follow her throughout her pregnancies (girl, same).
On what men need to remember about their pregnant partners
“Remember that your wife is growing a human,” she begins. Sure, they may look mostly the same on the outside, but there’s a lot going on on the inside, so “give her some grace.”
It’s also important, she says, to remember that all the challenges that go along with pregnancy, like mood swings, are temporary. So it’s helpful to adopt a “this too shall pass” attitude over the course of 40 weeks.
Her third piece of advice might just be the most important: “She needs your support in postpartum more than she did in pregnancy.”
On having four girls
Kelce is confused and amused by the fact that people think they had a fourth child because they were trying for a boy. She told Cooper she and Jason always wanted four kids. When Cooper asks why Kelce thinks people assume they were going for a boy, Kelce says it’s projection.
“Because they really want us to have a boy.”
But the pair are delighted to be welcoming a fourth daughter into the family, though the discovery wasn’t without some reflection.
“There was this moment when we found out we were having our fourth girl where I said ... ‘Maybe I won’t get to meet a little Jason,’ which was a little bit weird. But at the same time I was like ... ‘I’ve gone this long without getting peed on when I open a diaper. I’m trying to keep that streak alive.’”
Besides, they decided: the universe could probably only handle one Jason...
On mother-in-law Donna as a role model
Kelce says that the O.G. Mama Kelce is “an amazing example of an independent woman.” After divorcing Jason and Travis’ dad when the boys went to college, Donna has taken life by the horns and “fulfilling all of her travel dreams.”
“And for me,” Kelce says, “I think that’s such a cool example for our daughters.
On being postpartum
“Postpartum is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my entire life,” Kelce tells Cooper. “Labor is a drop in the bucket compared to postpartum.”
OK, granted it’s one hell of a drop, but she’s not wrong. Kelce points out that for the first few weeks of life, before they can smile or really interact with you, that babies are “basically a blob. They poop, they eat, they sleep. That’s it.”
“I didn’t feel that immediate ‘This is my baby,’” she says. “I didn’t have that sensationalized ‘I’m a mother now.’ It was a slow ease in. ... We’re both in diapers. I have a cooling pad on my lady bits. I am afraid to sit down at any given point because it hurts so bad, and at the same time every two hours I’m supposed to connect you to my boob.”
Kelce says she was grateful for the women in her life at that time who could help guide her through the experience, and she hopes other women can know how common it is to feel out of sorts and not immediately maternal upon giving birth. But hopefully, by talking about it publically, other pregnant and post-partum moms can feel supported.
On Taylor Swift
Kelce shared that she and Jason didn’t know that Travis was dating Taylor for a pretty long while, although they did hear it before the world did. “We knew before everyone else knew, but it did not hit the group chat,” she said. “Jason and I found out together, but we knew before they hard launched by going to the game.”
She also shred the couple has “technically” been on a double date with Taylor and Travis — the “technically” was added because they stayed in and Taylor cooked a meal for everyone.
“I don’t think I ate the meal,” she confessed, “because I was 8 weeks pregnant, and it was of those things were nothing sounded good.”
So what’s next for the Kelces? No one knows, including Kylie. We’re just happy to be along for the ride when possible!