Take A Moment To Watch This Hilarious Iliza Shlesinger Breast Pump Ad
The comedian wrote the sketch, which beautifully captures the new mom experience.

Comedian Iliza Shlesinger has always been hilarious. But now that she’s a new mom, she can turn her biting wit toward all things parenting. She’s done just that in a new one-minute ad she co-created with breast pump company Willow, which centers on just how obnoxious it can be to get advice from family and friends when you have a baby.
In the spot, Iliza Shlesinger plays herself as a new mom attending her baby shower — and all of the guests seated around her are... also played by Shlesinger. There’s her mom, her hippie-minded sister, her boorish brother, her old-fashioned grandmother, and a few other wacky relatives.
And they all have super adamant advice about how Schlesigner should parent her new baby.
“This is the sleekest one they have on the market,” the mom character says, as Schlesinger opens a breast pump that’s a tangle of suction cups and tubes. “Very discrete and it’s easy to use. You just take off all your clothes. I think it comes with a helmet.”
“I breastfed your father with this same pump,” the grandmother adds about her own gift. “I can have it oiled it for you.”
“Your breasts are very smart,” says another character, wearing a garland of flowers on her head. “They’ll know what to do. Promise me you’ll at least eat the placenta.”
“Can’t be swinging those things all around the office,” says a male relative, in the middle of eating a snack. “You can breastfeed in the broom closet!”
Shlesinger says the spot was inspired by her own experiences becoming a mother.
"Pregnancy and parenting are filled with so much well-intentioned advice that doesn't actually support moms," Shlesinger says in a release about the spot. "Moms deserve better; they deserve empathy and humor.”
Iliza gave birth to her first baby back in January — a girl named Sierra Mae — whom she shares with husband and chef Noah Galuten.
Even her very first posts about motherhood have been funny — like the shot of herself taking down a sub after her long labor, while her baby rested in the foreground.
Or another post where she detailed what she was thinking when she held her daughter in her arms for the very first time.
“And in this exact moment I thought, not of how much I loved her, but, of the thousands of ways I would cause pain to someone who tried to hurt her,” she wrote. “All of them involved meticulous bone breaking, wolves, throat ripping or adding their names to the Bed Bath & Beyond coupon mailing list. Mommy loves you.”