Wrangle Up Some Fun With These Rootin', Tootin' Cowboy (And Girl!) Coloring Pages

Yeehaw! Who doesn’t like a cowboy? When you think of cowboys, you probably think of tall boots, spurs, and, of course, that famous cowboy hat. Playing cowboys and cowgirls is a pretty popular activity for little ones. They probably love to pretend they are roping cattle or riding horses through the scorching dry desert. If that sounds like your kids, they’re absolutely going to want to wrangle up some serious fun with our twangy collection of cowboy coloring pages (and cowgirl coloring pages, too!).
Today, the cowboy is mostly known through books and film, depicted as an American hero, outlaw, and gunslinger. But throughout history, cowboys have largely acted as hired hands, tending to the needs of cattle — branding them, herding them, rounding them up, and, finally, driving them off to market. Many cowboys were actually former Civil War soldiers from both sides of the war. They traveled in packs of three to five, all working together to herd cattle across the Old West of America. Kind of like City Slickers, but less funny (unless you don’t find Billy Crystal funny).
As you can see, there’s a lot more to cowboys than what Western movies have shown us. Whether your little ones are fascinated with farm animals, dream of having a cowboy life, or just like playing pretend, they are sure to love these cowboy coloring pages. And once they’re finished filling in these printables, they can mosey right on over to our cactus coloring pages, farm coloring pages, horse coloring pages, and desert coloring pages.
Free Printable Cowboy and Cowgirl Coloring Pages
Cowboy and Cowgirl Page No. 1
The business of cattle ranching in America came from vaqueros — Spanish-speaking herders from Mexico, who are known as the original cowboys. They spread their knowledge to Americans in Texas, which was then passed on to the cattlemen of the northern Great Plains on the American frontier.
Cowboy and Cowgirl Page No. 2
Cowboys love their horses! Some of the horses they’ve historically ridden include American quarter horses, American saddlebreds, appaloosas, Arabians, Missouri fox trotters, Morgans, mustangs, paint horses, Rocky Mountain horses, and a few Tennessee walking horses.
Cowboy and Cowgirl Page No. 3
Although cowgirls definitely exist (and are freaking awesome), there isn’t any record of women or girls driving cattle in the Old West. At the time, they most likely either helped on ranches or ran them. However, by 1900, skirts split for riding became a thing, allowing women to compete with men in many events in Wild West shows. And have you ever wondered what cowboys — and cowgirls — ate back in the day? It was a steady diet of dried meat, fruit, beans, hard biscuits, and coffee!
Cowboy and Cowgirl Page No. 4
Everything a cowboy wears is for function, not fashion. A cowboy hat with a wide brim helps to protect from the sun and the elements. Their jeans or other tight-fitting pants, along with their chaps, help to protect the legs from hazards. And their spurs help to communicate to their trusty horse.
Cowboy and Cowgirl Page No. 5
What is it about the Wild West and cowboys that makes people think of outlaws? Guess it’s all part of the mystery of that time. Even today, an air of mystery remains around this way of life. For example, cowboys aren’t just called by one name — they’re also known as cowpokes, buckaroos, and cowhands. And here’s some western slang they use that you can try with your buds: People who are new to the west are usually nicknamed tenderfoot, pilgrim, or greenhorn.
Cowboy and Cowgirl Page No. 6
On the ranch, a cowboy has many jobs. They’re responsible for feeding the livestock, branding or marking cattle and horses, and tending to their injuries or other needs. They also repair fences, maintain ranch equipment, and perform other odd jobs around the ranch. Whew! That’s a lot of hard work. Curious how cowboys squeeze in fun? They entertain themselves by singing songs, which also helps soothe their cattle.
Cowboy and Cowgirl Page No. 7
Cowboys brought a cook with them on their cattle drives. But these cooks did more than whip up some tasty food. Each night that cook was in charge of turning the wagon toward the North Star so they’d know which way to head out in the morning.
Cowboy and Cowgirl Page No. 8
The cattle country in the United States in the early 1800s was an enormous, unfenced area, ranging from the Canadian border south to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Rocky Mountains east to the Missouri River.
Cowboy and Cowgirl Page No. 9
Modern-day cowboys still dress and do what the original cowboys did. However, now they drive more trucks than ride horses, and computers and technology help them keep track of their cattle.
Cowboy and Cowgirl Page No. 10
The highest-grossing western movie of all time was 2012’s Django Unchained. But fair warning, Moms and Dads — this one definitely isn’t a movie you want to sit down and watch with your little ones. If you’re looking for kid-friendly cowpoke content, we recommended heading to Disney Plus to watch Sheriff Callie’s Wild West (This Is Us star Mandy Moore voices the law-slingin’ feline.)
Click here to print all of the cowboy and cowgirl coloring pages at once!
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