'Me Want Cookie!' 12 Coloring Pages Perfect For Your Little Cookie Monsters

Do your kids love cookies? Silly question, right? Kids are basically cookie monsters in human costumes. And if your little ones adore arts and crafts, then they will love the cookie coloring pages below. When you think of cookies, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Probably chocolate chip cookies since they’re known to be the most popular cookie ever. Maybe you have visions of baking cookies with your kids. Or perhaps you have fond nostalgia for laying out cookies and a glass of milk for Santa Claus with your family during the holidays. Cookies not only bring up so many sentimental memories (yes, including those involving you devouring a row of Oreos watching The Bachelor), but they’re also just so damn delicious — which is probably why Americans eat over two billion cookies a year. In fact, on average, every American will eat 35,000 cookies in a lifetime. #NoShame.
Want to learn more about cookies? Then stay tuned for a super-sweet collection of free printables featuring this beloved treat. With each coloring page, we’ve included some yummy facts about cookies to share with your kids. If you’ve got toddlers and preschoolers, this is a great way to spend a rainy afternoon indoors. If you’ve got older kids, these pair well with a cooking lesson or baking extravaganza. Who knows? Your kid might be a budding baker!
No matter your intended use, these free cookie coloring pages are perfect for any age. And if you’re craving even more food-themed fun after you finish, check out our pizza coloring pages, cake coloring pages, donut coloring pages, and ice cream coloring pages.
Free Printable Cookie Coloring Pages
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Putting out a plate of cookies along with a tall glass of milk for Santa Claus is one of the best Christmas rituals for a kid. And we’d argue it’s also a pretty enjoyable one for Santa — if not a filling one. Apparently, Jolly Old St. Nick eats an estimated 336,150,386 cookies on Christmas Eve.
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The word “cookie” comes from the Dutch “koekje,” meaning little cake. Americans eventually adopted the term “cookie” as Dutch settlers integrated themselves — along with the tasty treat — into American life. Thank you, Holland!
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Where do you store your homemade cookies? Chances are you keep them in a cookie jar. American cookie jars first appeared in the 1930s as people stopped buying bakery-made foods in favor of baking cookies at home to save money.
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Baking cookies in different shapes is a fun activity with a long history. Early American tinsmiths first made cookie cutters by hand in the 1700s, and now cookie cutters have their own special week. National Cookie Cutter Week is celebrated each year during the first week of December. Also, do you know the history of cookie jars? Well, they derive from British biscuit jars. During the Depression, housewives began making their own baked goods and putting them in these jars to save money and keep them fresh.
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Which types of cookies do you like to bake? We’d wager it’s chocolate chip since half the cookies baked in American homes each year are, in fact, chocolate chip.
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While macarons are the most popular sweet in France (and are most often associated with the country), they didn’t originate there. You can thank Italian noblewoman Catherine de Medici for the rise in popularity of this chic treat. When she married Henry II of France, she brought her pastry chefs with her to France — who, in turn, brought with them their macaron recipe. However, over time, the French refined the recipe by adding a second layer and filling to the cookie recipe.
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Gingerbread men have a fascinating history! Did you know that Queen Elizabeth I is credited with overseeing the first ginger cookies cut into the shape of men? How about the fact English women once ate gingerbread “husbands” to improve their chances of finding “The One”?
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Who doesn’t love Girl Scout Cookies? Considering Girl Scouts sell 200 million boxes of cookies a year, it’s safe to say these delightful treats have a ton of fans.
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Chocolate chip cookies were invented in 1930 at the Toll House Restaurant in Whitman, Massachusetts, which is probably why the state declared it as its official state cookie back in 1997.
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“C” wasn’t always for cookie. Cookie Monster first appeared in a commercial for potato chips before crossing over to Sesame Street. His love for the baked good wasn’t established until season two. But, like the rest of us, it has remained in his heart ever since.
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There is history behind the milk and cookies snack. During the Great Depression, parents wanted to teach children about charity and appreciating what they had. So, instead of filling their stockings with toys, they stuffed them with chocolate chip cookies and left out a glass of milk for Santa.
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How much do you love cookies? Did you know that July 9th is National Sugar Cookie Day, and Dec. 4th is National Cookie Day? Be sure to save these dates so you and your little one can get your bake on!
Click here to print all of the cookie coloring pages at once!
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