10+ Baby Shower Games Your Guests Will Actually Want To Play

Looking for more than ideas for just baby shower games? Welcome your little one in style with these ideas for stunning centerpieces, baby sprinkles, invitation wording, and kid-friendly party finger foods.
Baby shower gifts are cool and all, but have you ever LOL‘d during a super fun baby shower game? Anyone? Bueller? Okay, we’ll admit it: Baby shower games have gotten a bad reputation. But that’s probably because most of us have been playing the same (sorta lame) baby shower games over and over again. They’re the ones that were passed on from our moms who knew them from their mothers, etc. No wonder some baby shower games can be as stale as a dirty diaper.
Because no one wants to be the mommy hostess with the worst baby shower games — not to mention those awkward silences — we’ve rounded up our favorites, from co-ed baby shower games that all your guests will enjoy, to baby shower games for large groups. We also included a few hilarious baby shower games for men that’ll make even the most reluctant attendee crack a smile. These games will put the “show” into shower and help welcome your baby’s arrival.
Co-Ed Baby Shower Games
Pregnant Twister
Here’s a twist: Have everyone wear faux pregnant baby bellies while playing Twister. This can be especially enjoyable for a co-ed baby shower. After all, who doesn’t want to see their partner’s fake preggo belly? Give guests pillows that are weighted down with tape and ankle weights. The last one standing wins.
The Price Is Right
Kids are pricey, but just how pricey are they? Prep a list of baby items and specific quantities (for example, a box of 100 diapers or a stroller) and total their retail price before the shower. Then share the items on a sheet of paper and make enough copies for all your guests. Have each guest write down the price for each item and then have them total their guesses. Whoever gets closest to the correct total without going over wins. If you want to make this game even more exciting, you could turn it into a battle of the sexes — whichever side gets the most prices right wins a cash prize.
Guess the Baby Food
Ah, yes, this old classic. If you don’t know the drill, you’ll have to get an array of different jarred baby food flavors. Slap a piece of paper over the actual flavor to obscure it, and jot a number on the lid. Now, have the mama-to-be eat a spoonful from each mystery jar and try to guess what she’s eating. To make this even more fun for a co-ed crew, you can have couples compete as a team or feed the baby food to each other.
Chug the bottle
Although this is a baby shower, there is nothing wrong with a little drinking. Fill a few bottles up with a mixed but strong drink. Then ask for two volunteers. The person who finishes their boozy bottle first is the winner (and the drunkest). This game is definitely a change of pace when it comes to regular baby shower games, but it’ll be fun — we promise!
Guess the baby
Yes, a baby shower is about your baby, but a great way to stump your guests is with more babies. Before the shower, have your guests send in their baby picture. Put them all on a bulletin board and hang it up during the party. Have your guest guess who is who. The person with the most correct guesses gets a bottle of wine.
Baby Sketch Artists
One of the biggest questions that come to mind when a baby is on the way is who they will look like. Is it mom? Is dad? Or is it a curveball, like Grandma? Your guests can help you get an idea of your little tadpole by playing baby sketch artist. Give each person a paper plate and some markers or crayons. Their goal is to sketch an amazing picture of your baby! After all the pictures are done, the couple will go through each picture and choose the best (and least offensive one) as the winner. The winner can grab a bottle of wine to take home or can pop the gender reveal balloon (the choice is yours). And, don’t forget, participating guests must draw their pictures blindfolded.
Stroller Racing
Does your baby shower need a little action? Get two strollers and put a baby doll in each one. You can get creative and build an obstacle course in your backyard for the racetrack. The first person to push their stroller across the finish line without dropping their baby wins!
Baby Shower Games For Large Groups
A neat party game that can also fill baby’s closet. Divide guests into teams or couples (whatever works) and set them up with a blank onesie that they have to decorate with stencils, non-toxic paints, and iron on stickers. No one wins in this game except for baby, who will have a closet filled with creative and memorable onesies.
Name That Tune
Prepare by making a fun playlist with songs that have the words “baby” or “babe” in them (there will be a lot to choose from, don’t worry). Mix them up from oldies to classic ’90s hit to stuff the Gen Z kids like. Then during the shower play each song for five to ten seconds each. Have your guests guess which song is playing and name the title and artist. Whoever gets the most correct wins.
You Can’t Say That!
At the beginning of the shower choose one word that is forbidden to be spoken throughout the shower. It could be “baby” or “mom” or something less challenging. Anyone who is caught using the word is out of the game. The last person standing wins! You can keep track of those who messed up by pinning them with a cute pink or blue safety pin or a bib.
Baby Shower Bingo
Bingo is a classic, but baby shower bingo is the true legend. One of the perks of this game is the creativity you can incorporate into the design of the placards. You can design them to match the theme, the gender of your kid, or your husband’s favorite sports team. They are also super cheap to set up for your guests. You can print them out online or make your own. Name the pieces after popular mommy-to-be gifts you might receive. The first person to fill their board during the gift opening portion of the party wins. This is also a great way to keep your shower guests engaged and encourages them to pay close attention to this part of the party.
My Water Broke!
Grab a bunch of tiny plastic babies from the party store and put them in your ice trays. Make sure your guests are aware of the tiny toys in their drinks. When their ice melts and the plastic baby is floating in their drink, the person must yell, “My water broke!” to claim their prize.
Baby Shower Games for Men
Diaper Changing Relay Race
Ready, on your mark, set — change that baby! Here’s one that’s sure to get your guy’s competitive nature going. Set up a few changing stations with baby dolls, complete with diapers, wipes, and baby powder. Divide guests into even teams with each member having to remove the diaper and clean and powder it before putting on a new one. Then they need to run back to their team and hand it off to the next person in line. The first team to have all their members change the baby’s diaper wins.
Who’s Your Daddy?
Baby showers are typically all about the mommy, but what about Daddy? Offer guests a sheet of paper with questions about the daddy-to-be. Whether it’s their middle name, how they take their coffee, or their favorite sport. Whoever has the most correct answers win.
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