There's Finally A Lollipop That Won't Rot Your Kid's Teeth - And A 10-Year-Old Invented It

Genius 10-year-old girl invents lollipop that is good for your teeth
Thanks to a 10-year-old girl’s innovative thinking, there’s now a lollipop that parents won’t have to worry about giving their kids as it’s ingredients won’t rot their teeth. Could “weight-loss chocolate” be far behind? Fingers crossed.
Zollipops, the candy that’s actually good for your teeth, are the invention of Alina Morse. Because of course, it would take a kid to invent something this cool. “I love candy, but I always knew it was bad for my teeth, ” the 5th grader said. So she set out to make a candy that wouldn’t cause cavities. Alina was only seven when she partnered with her dad, Tom, and began researching how to make her candy dreams a reality.
“I researched what had been done before to see if we could make it better or create something completely new,” Alina told People. “And I talked to my dental hygienist to find some good ingredients.” The names of the ingredients don’t sound too familiar – xylitol and erythritol – but the Zollipop team, backed by various scientific studies, said the lollipops reduce the risk of tooth decay and neutralize acid found in the mouth after eating. Then, they had kids taste test the lollipops to make sure their target customers would love them as much as parents do.
Zollipop already has some famous fans. First Lady Michelle Obama invited Alina and her family to the White House Easter Egg Roll last year. They’ll return again this year, and Zollipops will be the only candy at the event. “Being invited last year was an incredible honor and it’s even more amazing to be invited back this year,” Alina said. “I’m most excited to meet lots of people and see kids enjoying Zollipops.”
Alina and her dad at the White House Easter Egg Roll. Image via Facebook / ZolliPops
Parents and kids who want to enjoy the smart snack now can order them online or find them in select Whole Foods. Alina has already seen sales increase tremendously since her first investment in 2014, which was her $7,500 savings from her grandparents. “Our business is doing really good right now,” she said. “Our company sales were up 378 percent year over year and we expect to triple in our sales this year.”
As much as we love giving our kids candy and treats this time of year, it’s not fun paying the piper at their next dentist appointment finding out they have some spanking-new cavities to show for their eating habits. This kid is definitely on to something in creating a candy that kids enjoy eating, but that won’t have the dentist firing up his drill.
And since the company is doing so well Alina is donating 10% of Zollipop’s earnings to oral hygiene education programs in schools. Finally, parents have a candy that’s been taste tested by kids and made with dentist-approved ingredients.