Your 34-36 Month Old Toddler — Physical, Social, And Cognitive Milestones

We hear ya on his one — wow. That tiny bundle of joy you brought home from the hospital, like, yesterday, is turning three. As tough as it is to wrap your brain around that fact (is there a wrinkle in the space-time continuum or what?!), your toddler is growing by leaps and bounds. If you can believe it, it’s already time to start thinking about school. Preschool, that is… if you haven’t already and if it’s something you’re interested in for your nugget.
The moral of this story is to soak up every second with your 34- to 36-month-old. Not only is their little personality getting bigger by the day, but they’re also at a super-fun age of inquisition. Everything is fascinating, and therefore everything is a question! Be prepared to give all.the.answers. And since you might have a few q’s of your own, here are some of the other milestones you can expect from your toddler during these months.
Your 34 – 36-Month-Old Toddler’s Development & Growth Milestones
How much should a 34 – 36-month-old weigh?
These days, your little one is probably starting to look a lot less like that rolly polly baby who used to bounce themselves to sleep in the jumper and more like, well, a kid. As they’re getting taller, they’re leaning out a little. But, as with other ages, this can vary from child to child.
Per the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the average weight for a 34- to 36-month-old girl is between around 30.1 pounds and 30.7 pounds with the average weight for a boy in that age range hovering between around 31.1 pounds and 31.8 pounds.
How much, and what, should a 34 – 36-month-old be eating?
Not much has changed over the last few months where your child’s diet is concerned. They should still be eating three meals and two snacks per day, encompassing a variety of foods from all food groups: veggies, fruits, grains, proteins, and dairy. Remember, their portions should only be about ¼ to ½ as much as an adult’s.
Your 34- to 36-month-old toddler should also be drinking 1 percent or skim milk (you’ve moved past whole milk now) to help them reach the recommended 700 mg of calcium per day. If your toddler can’t have lactose or you follow a dairy-free lifestyle, consult their pediatrician for appropriate alternatives.
How much should a 34 – 36-month-old baby sleep?
This can prove a tricky age for sleep since your toddler is sort of between stages. You see, according to the National Sleep Foundation, most 2-year-olds still need around 11 to 12 hours of nighttime sleep plus 1 ½ to 3 hours of naptime sleep, amounting to a total of around 13 to 14 hours of sleep per day.
However, once a toddler hits the age of three, most only need 10 to 13 hours of sleep total between daytime and nighttime sleep. We probably don’t have to do the math to tell you that means baby (and therefore you) aren’t getting quite as much shuteye. Having said that, your little one will likely still be sleeping through the night for 8 to 9 hours at a time.
One more word of warning: Sleep regression is common at this age. Doctors recommend treating these occurrences very short and perfunctory. If they need to go to the bathroom, take them. If they want a sip of water, give it to them. But keep it simple and always escort them back to their own bed.
Your 34 – 36-Month-Old Toddler’s Physical, Social, And Cognitive Milestones
What sort of physical activity should a 34- to 36-month-old toddler be doing?
Around this age, most toddlers can walk — every which way and up and down stairs — jump, pedal a tricycle, dance, climb, run and stop without falling over, and more.
How much should a baby be talking at 34 to 36-months-old?
The language centers in your little one’s brain are booming now! Your 34- to 36-month-old toddler probably knows in excess of 450 words and, over the course of the next year, that will explode beyond belief. And since they are also using three-to-four word sentences, communication with your favorite little human is getting easier every day.
What are some behavioral issues a 34 – 36-month-old might have?
No need to sugarcoat it; your 34- to 36-month-old won’t always be a delight to be around. In fact, sometimes you’ll wonder when a tiny dictator moved into your home. They might suffer a bit from “me, mine, my” syndrome, but it’s all a normal part of development. With any luck, it won’t last forever.
At this age, it’s easy for your little one to get attached to electronics if you let them. However, screen time should be limited as much as possible.
Should a 34 – 36-month-old be potty training?
As you may have guessed, potty training is much like other major developmental milestones: dependent largely on the child. By 36-months-old, many toddlers are fully potty trained but some simply won’t be ready yet. There are those who aren’t ready until they’re closer to four years old.
Just keep encouraging them and giving them the tools they need to succeed whenever they’re ready. Don’t rush — they’re no potty of gold at the end of this rainbow, so let your little one clue you into their readiness in an organic way.
Your 34 – 36-Month-Old Toddler’s Health
Should my 34- to 36-month-old toddler have a checkup?
Yes and, per the norm by now, your toddler’s doctor will chart your child’s weight, height, and BMI. They’ll also check your child’s blood pressure and vision (something new). If you have questions, it’s also a good idea to jot them down ahead of time so you don’t forget in the moment. And make sure you’re honest with your toddler’s pediatrician when they ask you about your child’s eating, peeing and pooping, talking, and walking habits.
Will my 34- to 36-month-old toddler get any immunizations?
Vaccines typically aren’t necessary for a three-year-old but, if you haven’t already, you might want to go ahead and get your child’s annual Influenza (flu) shot.
For a 3-year-old, shots aren’t typically necessary, but you may choose to have your child get the flu vaccine at this appointment.
Written by Julie Sprankles.
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