Your 31-33 Month Old Toddler — Physical, Social, And Cognitive Milestones

Break out your camera, Mama, because baby’s got some pearly whites you’re going to want to capture. That’s right — by this age, most toddlers have all or most of their baby teeth, making them even cuter (despite the fact you were positive that wasn’t possible). It isn’t just your baby’s mouth that merits attention this month, naturally. Between the ages of 31 and 33 months, your toddler is making major strides cognitively, socially, and physically.
You’re obviously going to want to know what they are, right? After all, you have your camera at the ready. So, sit back and take a few mental notes about the following 31- to 33-month-old toddler milestones.
Your 31 – 33-Month-Old Toddler’s Development & Growth Milestones
How much should a 31 – 33-month-old weigh?
You know the spiel — every child is different, and therefore their size and development can be, too. If your toddler is growing in an upward curve, it’s all good. But, for reference sake, the average weight of a 31- to 33-month-old girl is between 29.1 and 29.7 pounds. The average weight for a 31- to 33-month-old boy is between 30.2 and 30.8 pounds, per the U.S. Centers for Disease Control.
How much, and what, should a 31 – 33-month-old be eating?
At 31- to 33-months-old, your toddler’s tastes may be, well, finicky. One day all they want to eat is toast. The next? Toast might send them spiraling into the hysterics of a tantrum. The same certainly goes for healthy food, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep encouraging your toddler to eat healthy food — it just means you may have to get creative with your approach.
Since 31- to 33-month-olds can be hot and cold when it comes to how much they eat (and what they approve of), continue to think of meeting their nutritional needs in terms of a weekly basis as opposed to daily. Still, strive to give them three meals plus two snacks per day, from a variety of food groups. Keep portion size appropriate (only ¼ to ½ as much as you would eat), and make sure they’re getting 700 mg of calcium per day.
How much should a 31 – 33-month-old baby sleep?
Oof. While you’ve probably been enjoying some pretty solid nights of sleep in recent months, your slumber routine may be in for a shakeup. A 31- to 33-month-old toddler could be trying to assert their independence by getting out of bed and coming into your room or simply protesting sleep altogether. Since they still need around 13 to 14 hours of sleep per day, though — 11 to 12 at night and 1 ½ to 3 from napping — you just have to stick to your guns to ensure they’re getting enough shuteye.
Your 31- 33-Month-Old Toddler’s Physical, Social, And Cognitive Milestones
What physical activities should a toddler be doing at 31- to 33-months-old?
Your “baby” is probably feeling more grown-up than you’re ready for, and that has a lot to do with how much they’ve evolved physically. In addition to walking, your toddler can now run and stop suddenly without losing their balance and falling over. They can walk around things without tripping over them. Basically, they’re a lot more coordinated. In the coming months, they might even be ready to pedal a little tricycle (if they aren’t already).
How much should a baby be talking at 31 to 33-months-old?
Your baby probably isn’t using the most proper grammar you’ve ever heard in your life, but they have experienced an impressive language explosion in recent months. By 33 months, your toddler may know around 450 words and, by the time they turn three, will be speaking in 3- to 4-word sentences.
If your toddler doesn’t seem to be making progress in their speech, check in with their pediatrician in case you need to be referred to an early intervention speech therapist.
What are some behavioral issues a 31 – 33-month-old might have?
If you hadn’t heard the word “no” enough times in your life prior to this point, you’ll surely get your fill now. Your 31- to 33-month-old toddler is continuing to flex their independence and test boundaries, which includes answering in the negative to nearly every question under the sun. Pick your battles, Mama, because there will likely be lots.
Your little one may not have outgrown tantrums yet (let’s be real, do kids ever?), meaning you’ve probably had time to perfect your response. If not, though, bear in mind that experts suggest ignoring such bad behavior. Since the purpose is often to seek attention, you don’t want to reward them by giving them just that.
Should a 31 – 33-month-old be potty training?
You may be smack-dab in the middle of potty training, in which case, may the odds be ever in your favor. But if you’re not quite there yet, don’t stress most toddlers master potty training between 27 and 32 months, so you’re still inside the quote-unquote normal bubble. And even if you go outside of that, it could just be that your little needs a little extra time and practice.
Your 31– 33-Month-Old Toddler’s Health
Should my 31- to 33-month-old toddler have a checkup?
Unless your little one is on a delayed immunization schedule or gets sick, you probably won’t have to go to the doctor this month. However, since your toddler’s baby teeth have come in, you should go ahead and schedule a dentist’s visit (if you haven’t already).
Will my 31- to 33-month-old get any immunizations?
If you haven’t yet, you may consider getting your toddler’s annual influenza (flu) vaccine during this time period.
Written by Julie Sprankles.
Read More:
Your 34 – 36-Month-Old Toddler — Physical, Social, And Cognitive Milestones
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