Your 13 - 15-Month-Old Toddler — Physical, Social, And Cognitive Milestones

You made it through the first year, Mama — give yourself a big pat on the back. But don’t let your guard down too long, because your baby is now a toddler and that toddler will keep you on your toes.
It might feel like you can’t possibly make room for any more memories since you shared so many with your little one in their first year of life. In many ways, though, life is just starting to pick up. So, have a camera on standby to capture any cute moments, and take a look at some of the milestones you can expect from your 13 – 15-month-old.
Your 13 – 15-Month-Old Toddler’s Development & Growth Milestones
How much should a 13 – 15-month-old weigh?
Your baby is growing, growing, growing. According to the World Health Organization, the average weight of a girl in this age range is between 20.2 and 21.2 pounds. The average weight for a boy is between 21.8 and 22.7 pounds. Don’t freak out if your little one isn’t hitting these numbers right on the head, though. As long as they’re progressing at a relatively steady pace, they’re likely fine.
How much should a 13 – 15-month-old be eating?
If you’re still breastfeeding, keep feeding baby “on-demand” — they’ll typically let you know when they’re hungry and when they’re full. At this age, if your little one is still eating baby food or drinking formula, you should start transitioning into whole foods and whole milk. The milk is still important at this age for providing essentially fatty acids your child needs for growth, but it won’t meet baby’s nutritional needs on its own.
Toddlers need around 1,000 calories per day, typically split into three meals and two snacks. Try to provide a variety each day that includes all food groups. Encourage baby to self-feed (even if it means more food ends up on your floors, and walls and, well, you than it does in baby’s mouth). As always, introduce new foods gradually and be on the lookout for any signs of allergic reactions.
How much should a 13 – 15-month-old baby sleep?
You may have noticed in recent months that you’ve been able to spend more quality time with your old friend, Sleep. That’s because 1 to 2-year-olds typically get around 11 to 14 hours of sleep in a day — meaning they typically sleep through the night, or at least in longer stretches through the night. Some children this age take two naps per day, while some go down to just one. Heck, some might say, “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!” and just skip napping altogether.
If your 13 to 15-month-old toddler wakes up during the night, it could be due to active dreams (or, more intense, sleep terrors) or teething pains. If this sleeplessness persists, reach out to your toddler’s pediatrician for advice.
Your 13 – 15-Month-Old Toddler’s Physical, Social, And Cognitive Milestones
Should a baby be walking at 13 – 15-months-old?
If your toddler is walking, you’re probably getting in a lot of cardio these days from chasing that little lightning bug around. About half of 15-month-old toddlers can walk well, and some are even upping their repertoire with things like running and walking backward.
If your kid isn’t, though, you might be thinking, Is it normal for a 13 to 15-month-old not to walk? And, to put your mind at ease, plenty of healthy babies don’t walk until they’re 18-months-old. Your baby should be cruising around furniture by holding onto the edges and pulling up to stand by now.
Should a baby be talking at 13 – 15-months-old?
By 13 – 15-months-old, your little one should be vocalizing — you just might not speak the same language yet. Your toddler could still be in the repetitive stage, where most conversation consists of babbling (think “babababa” or “mamamama”). Just like some children take their time walking, some children take their time talking, too. Speaking of walking, that might actually be distracting baby these days! Since walking take so much focus and coordination, your little one’s rate of language learning might slow down naturally as they channel their attention towards learning to walk.
To give you a few loose benchmarks, though, most babies at this age can say at least one word. Around half can say two words. And some can say up to six or more words by 15-months-old. They should recognize the names of family members and respond to their own name. Always be honest with your doctor about exactly where baby is in their language development — early intervention can make a big difference.
What are some behavioral issues a 13 – 15-month-old might have?
You’ve heard of the terrible twos, right? Well, this age might give you a little glimpse into what that infamous phase will be like. Although toddlers are most prone to tantrums between 17 to 24-months-old, they can certainly have their moments right now. Since they’re learning to talk still, they may get frustrated by the disconnect in communication. This could result in tantrums, hitting or biting. Around 15-months-old, they may start throwing things (a new trick, Mom!). Fortunately, this behavior is typically temporary and is relatively common. Take a deep breath. Two helpful tactics? Set rules and consequences, and distract and redirect.
Should a 13 – 15-month-old be potty training?
At this age, most children are focusing more on walking and talking than learning to use the potty. Per the Mayo Clinic, many children begin to exhibit readiness between 18 to 24-months-old. If you start too early, you might actually be sabotaging yourself — it could ultimately take much longer for your toddler to get the hang of it.
But if your child seems ready, maybe they are! A few signs your child can start potty training include being able to stay dry for up to two hours, following basic instructions, communicating when they need to go to the bathroom, and expressing interest in using the toilet. At 13 to 15-months-old, let your child lead the process.
Your 13 – 15-Month-Old Toddler’s Health
At 15-months-old, your toddler’s doctor will probably want to see them for a well-visit check-up. This will include the standard measurements (height, weight, heart rate, etc.), physical examination, and Q&A to assess progress and/or issues. Depending on your doctor’s immunization schedule, your 15-month-old will likely also receive a booster vaccine to protect against diptheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussie (DTaP). If they hadn’t previously, they might also receive booster vaccines to protect against hepatitis B (HepB, 3rd dose), haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib, 3rd or 4th dose), pneumococcal bacteria (PCV13, 4th dose), poliovirus (IPV, 3rd dose), and influenza (IIV, annual).
Before you leave the doctor’s office, consider scheduling your toddler’s 19-month checkup. Also, if your child hasn’t been to the dentist yet, schedule that appointment as well.
Written by Julie Sprankles.
Read More:
Your 16-18-Month-Old Toddler’s Development And Milestones
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