45+ Wreck-It Ralph Quotes Sweeter Than Sugar Rush

Ah, Wreck-It Ralph… this movie just takes ya back, doesn’t it? Sure, it may be a new-ish release, but arcade games seem to be a long-forgotten relic of the past. While watching this unforgettable film and reliving “the good old days,” you’ll be laughing as hard as your kids! Don’t worry, though — your secret’s safe with us. And when you aren’t watching the movie, Wreck-It Ralph quotes are the perfect reminder of just how much fun the 2012 Disney film and its 2018 sequel, Ralph Breaks the Internet, are.
A not-so-typical underdog tale (Ralph definitely isn’t your classic “little guy”), Wreck-It Ralph will have you hoping ol’ Ralph can become the hero he so badly wants to be. Basically, these arcade-themed films make the perfect pair for your next family movie night. Till then, you can check out our favorite Wreck-It Ralph quotes to inspire a can-do attitude in the face of adversity. Or, ya know, #everydaymomlife — ‘cause mom-ing, like Hero’s Duty, is not for the faint of heart.
Read on to check out more than 45 Wreck-It Ralph quotes that are so good they’ll make you glitch. Or maybe that’s too much caffeine. Who knows? We don’t. You probably don’t either. But coffee is life, so carry on.
Walt Disney Studios/Giphy
Best Wreck-It Ralph Quotes
1. “If that little kid likes me, how bad can I be?” — Wreck-It Ralph
2. “Lying to a child! Shame on you, Ralph!” — Vanellope von Schweetz
3. “I can fix it!” — Fix-It Felix
4. “I’m a wrecker, not a baker.” — Wreck-It Ralph
5. “Wrong! Viruses do not stop! Once those Cy-Bugs finish off Sugar Rush, they’ll invade every other game until this arcade is nothing but a smoking husk of forgotten dreams. Kohut, my cruiser!” — Sergeant Calhoun
6. “Because of you, Ralph, I’m now the most powerful virus in the arcade!” — King Candy
7. “Why, it’s Q-bert! What brings you here, neighbor?” — Fix-It Felix
8. “Sometimes I think, man, it sure must be nice being the good guy.” — Wreck-It Ralph
9. “I’m not a glitch, Taffyta. I’ve just got pixlexia, okay?” — Vanellope von Schweetz
10. “I don’t have to do boo! Forgive my potty-mouth.” — Fix-It Felix
11. “It may not be as fancy as being president, but it’s my duty, and it’s a big duty.” — Wreck-It Ralph
12. “Jiminy Jaminy!” — Fix-It Felix
13. “Stop, in the name of the king!” — King Candy
14. “No, not cool! Unhygienic, and lonely, and boring… and that crummy medal was going to change all that. I go home with that baby around my neck and I’ll get a penthouse, pies, ice sculptures, fireworks! Ah, it’s grown-up stuff, you wouldn’t understand.” — Wreck-It Ralph
15. “Doomsday and Armageddon just had a baby, and it… is… ugly!” — Sergeant Calhoun
16. “Turbo-Tastic!” — King Candy
17. “You know, you are one dynamite gal.” — Fix-It Felix
18. “Au revoir, Admiral Underpants.” — Vanellope von Schweetz
19. “I love my mama!” — Wreck-It Ralph
20. “There’s no one I’d rather be, than me!” — Wreck-It Ralph
21. “Look at that high definition. Your face… it’s amazing.” — Fix-It Felix
22. “Welcome to the boss level!” — King Candy
23. “Now rise, my royal chump! I’ve got a date with destiny!” — Vanellope von Schweetz
24. “I see you’re a fan of pink.” — Wreck-It Ralph
25. “What’s going on in this candy-coated heart of darkness?” — Wreck-It Ralph
26. “I’m bad, and that’s good! I will never be good, and that’s not bad!” — Wreck-It Ralph
27. “The best part of my day is when I get thrown off the roof. Because when the Nicelanders lift me up, I get a perfect view of Sugar Rush, and I can see Vanellope racing. The kid’s a natural, and the players love her, glitch and all, just like I knew they would.” — Wreck-It Ralph
28. “Turns out I don’t need a medal to tell me I’m a good guy.” — Wreck-It Ralph
29. “No cuts, no buts, no coconuts?” — Wreck-It Ralph
30. “What’s was that? I can’t hear you. Your breath is so bad it made my ears numb.” — Vanellope von Schweetz
31. “Who are you, the guy that makes the donuts?” — Wreck-It Ralph
32. “Everyone here says I’m just a mistake.” — Vanellope von Schweetz
From Ralph Breaks the Internet
1. “My mind is blown.” — Wreck-It Ralph
2. “You took a serious duty where?” — Vanellope von Schweetz
3. “I’m a sour ball.” — Sour Bill
4. “Start churning butter and put on your church shoes.” — Wreck-It Ralph
5. “Sweet mother of monkey milk!” — Vanellope von Schweetz
6. “I am Groot.” — Groot
7. “I’ll get my mice on this.” — Cinderella
8. “First rule of the Internet, do not read the comments.” — Yesss
9. “Sweet mother of Ralph!” — Vanellope von Schweetz
10. “Well, Wreck-It Ralph, you are trending.” — Yesss
11. “Are you saying my hair isn’t cool?” — Wreck-It Ralph
12. “But now I have a best friend who happens to be the coolest kid in the whole arcade.” — Wreck-It Ralph
13. “The Internet isn’t nearly as impressive as Sonic described it.” — Wreck-It Ralph
14. “Start churning butter and put on your church shoes, little sister, because we’re about to blast off!” — Wreck-It Ralph
15. “No, I just, I’m sorry, I know I’m being weird. I think maybe I just need to be alone right now.” — Vanellope von Schweetz
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