Women Dig Power Tools Too

I am ashamed to admit that I didn’t learn how to use power tools until I was an adult who needed to hang shelves in my first apartment. I asked my neighbor if I could borrow a hammer, nails, and a drill and insisted that, no, I did not need any freaking help.
The shelf ended up falling down in the middle of the night, and the giant holes it left behind cost me the entire security deposit.
It was a learning experience, but since that day, I’ve always maintained my own arsenal of household tools, so that I can complete simple repairs or put shit together myself. I also just think it’s really fun to hammer and drill shit. (Get your mind out of the gutter, folks.)
You need a cordless drill like this:
If you are a fan of pink, you could go this route:
Or you can go for the entire project kit:
Also available in pink (of course):
I can’t stress enough how amazing the laser level is. It also measures up to 130 feet, and it is a must-have for any home DIY projects.
And also, if Pinterest is constantly convincing you that you need to buy old furniture and sand it down, then re-paint it so that it looks beat up (shabby chic), you have to have one of these:
I wouldn’t label myself a “pro” yet, but I could definitely host my own show on HGTV.