Stop Comparing White Supremacists To Black Lives Matter (And Other Progressive Causes)

Some Christians are bad, but as a whole, most Christians are good. We should not condemn all Christians just because a few have bastardized the faith to make it about hate.
Some Muslims are bad, but as a whole, most Muslims are good. We should not condemn all Muslims just because a few have bastardized the faith to make it about hate.
Some feminists hate men, but as a whole, most feminists only want equality for all. We should not condemn all feminists just because a few have bastardized its tenets to make it about hate.
Some BLM supporters hate white people, but as a whole, most BLM supporters only want equality for all. We should not condemn all BLM supporters just because a few have bastardized its tenets to make it about hate.
Some police are power-hungry racists, but as a whole, most police strive to serve and protect their communities. We should not condemn all police just because a few have abused their power to spread hate.
Some white supremacists think they’re the superior race and that the Holocaust was justified and that mixing races is bad and that we should continue to celebrate the ideologies of the Confederacy, but as a whole, most white supremacists think they’re the superior race and that the Holocaust was justified and that mixing races is bad and that we should continue to celebrate the ideologies of the Confederacy SO FOR REAL CAN WE STOP COMPARING WHITE SUPREMACISTS TO BLM SUPPORTERS OR FEMINISTS OR MUSLIMS OR ANYTHING ELSE BECAUSE OMG IT IS NOT EVEN REMOTELY THE SAME.
I cannot believe how many times I’ve seen a comparison drawn in the last few days. ENOUGH. There is NO comparison. We SHOULD condemn white supremacists, full stop. No buts. No comparisons. Just “FUCK YOU, GO BACK TO THE SNAKE HOLE YOU SLITHERED OUT OF.” That’s it. Stop comparing.