Photographer Recreates All Our Favorite Walking Dead Scenes -- With Kids

Children’s Walking Dead cosplay shoot goes viral
“DISCLAIMER: SOME PHOTOS MAY BE TOO INTENSE FOR SOME, PROCEED WITH CAUTION,” is not the usual note you see on a portfolio full of images of kids. But this is not your usual portfolio.
If you’re a Walking Dead fan, you sit transfixed in front of your television every Sunday — watching some iconic scenes go down. But what if those scenes were recreated by little kids? Now they have been — and parents and fans of the show are loving it.
Last year, Alana Hubbard of Mother Hubbard Photography merged her love of the Walking Dead and her love of photographing children — an unlikely combination. The reactions were a mixed bag as you can imagine — people love to get irate on the internet. But fans loved it, and most importantly the kids loved participating.
Image via Mother Hubbard Photography
I mean, look at little Negan! Lucille is still terrifying in the hands of a toddler!
Image via Mother Hubbard Photography
Look at the crew? How could you not love this? Well, I guess if you don’t have the stomach to watch fake zombies devouring people in an imagined post-apocalyptic world, you may not find these entertaining either. Different strokes for different folks.
Image via Mother Hubbard Photography
Alana put together another shoot this year, celebrating the show’s 100 episodes. It’s just as amazing as the first.
“I’m so happy that there is a more positive reaction this time,” Hubbard tells Scary Mommy. “I haven’t released them all yet and I have a feeling some photos will raise some eyebrows but regardless of the comments, we do it because we are fans of the show and the kids love playing together, so it doesn’t bother us.”
Image via Mother Hubbard Photography
Image via Mother Hubbard Photography
“This was a huge undertaking, we had over 56 kids this time and shot this over four different dates including locations such as Fox Chase Farms for The Kingdom scenes and Beacon Scrap Metal for the junkyard scenes,” she explains. “We literally spent months and months having meetings and planning this out.” The parents got in on the fun, and dressed their kids so perfectly for the occasion.
Image via Mother Hubbard Photography
“These new photos are only season 7 so we decided to shoot the photos as a recap of season 7 leading up to the season 8 premiere on October 22nd! I have been posting them on Facebook in the order of the season, with a description of what happened in the episode and including screenshots from the episode of the photos we recreated.”
Image via Mother Hubbard Photography
Image via Mother Hubbard Photography
Hubbard has also been attending some conventions with the kids in the shoots, and the Walking Dead cast seems to love their little clones.
Image via Mother Hubbard Photography
Here’s Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Negan) reenacting that famous Carl scene we’ll never forget.
Image via Mother Hubbard
And Melissa McBride (Carol) and her cookies!
“It has been amazing going to all of the conventions and meeting all of the fans of the show and photos, and especially meeting the cast. All of the cast of The Walking Dead have been so wonderful with the kids and so supportive of us and our photos,” Hubbard says. “We have made appearances at Walking Dead Conventions all around the country and the kids love being brought up on stage and taking pics with fans. Their favorite part of the conventions is hanging out with the cast.”
Image via Mother Hubbard Photography
And yes, any gore is done with photoshop — the kids don’t even see it.
Image via Mother Hubbard Photography
Of course, some people are freaking out about the images, but welcome to the internet.
The parents love it. The kids love it. The stars love it. The end.