A Vibrator Pop-Up Shop-The Thing You Didn't Know You Needed In Your Life.

It all started at a preschool fundraiser.
Preschool fundraisers are where parents get together with friends, maybe drink some wine, and then start over-bidding on prizes like in-home massages, ice cream coupons, and free pizzas from local restaurants. We probably spend too much money, but it’s okay because it’s for the kids.
Well, this year I won two major prizes. I was very excited about this. I tried not to scare everyone at our local restaurant with how excited I was, but I’m not sure I succeeded.
It was at this point, when I was in such a state of euphoria from being such a winner that my friend casually suggested that a few of us should check out the pop-up vibrator shop in Boulder the next day. I was like, WHY NOT? I am a winning type of person who goes to vibrator shops and owns my sexuality in a bold, positive way. I joyfully accepted the invitation.
So, the next day we all piled into my friends three-row car, because, oh yes, we had to bring the children with us. Because we are moms and that’s what moms do. Our plan was that two of the three moms would go into the pop-up vibrator shop, while the third mom would drive the children around the block, movies on for the kids, air-conditioning blasting, trying not to be jealous of the other two women who were owning their sexuality in a bold, positive way. And then we would switch out and do this until we had to drive the afternoon kindergartners to school. It seemed like a solid plan.
We are bold women, but not bold enough to take four 3- to 6-year-olds into a pop-up vibrator shop, I guess. We have our limits.
When the GPS finally brought us to our destination, this is what we find:
Joelle Wisler
You guys. You get to build your own vibrator. Like Build-a-Bear, but for vibrators.
Inside we met Ti Chang, who is the actual owner/designer at Crave Design Factory. AND SHE WAS WEARING A VIBRATOR THAT LOOKS LIKE A NECKLACE. Because why not?
We started to chat, and she told us that she had been working as an industrial designer for sex toys for many years. She decided to start the company for, “the empowerment of pleasure for women and that products for women’s pleasure should be just as sophisticated as any other consumer product.”
Hell yes, and thank you.
Joelle Wisler
The vibrators on the walls all looked very sophisticated. They were tiny and discreet, but sleek and sexy, with a lot of different vibrating options. Ti asked if any of us want to make our own vibrator, and because there was a responsible adult driving my child around the block, I may have shouted yes and pushed other people aside, I don’t really remember.
Here’s the Vibrator Making Bar.
Joelle Wisler
Ti walked me through the whole process.
I got to choose the color. Purple.
I screwed in the parts (snort).
And then Ti even tested it after I was through making it to make sure it was waterproof. BECAUSE OF COURSE SHE DID.
Joelle Wisler
And maybe one of the best parts is that the metal base of this vibrator can detach and plug into any standard USB port to charge. Yes, kids, I’m downloading a lot of photos, stop asking me.
The process was easy. And, I don’t know, making your own vibe is a weirdly empowering experience.
I made this! And it’s so cute and quiet, and well, let’s just say that it works perfectly fine thankyouverymuch.
Check out their website to see all the places the Build-a-Vibe workshop will be in the coming (cough cough) months. If you’re at San Francisco Pride this weekend, go find Ti and say, “HI!” and build yourself your own vibe. You really want to do this.
You can follow their journey on Instagram at @lovecrave and #CraveDesignFactory. Everyone needs motivational messages in their life like, “You are someone’s reason to masturbate.”
Ti also told me, “Women are embracing the importance of pleasure at all stages of life, including motherhood. And having access to modern products is a part of that.”
This tells me that she may have spied our swagger van filled with children going around the block about twenty times. And yes, we did get our littles to kindergarten that afternoon, new vibes in hand, feeling like we did something for ourselves that day.
Ti told us that, “Pleasure for women has been a taboo topic for so long in our culture.” And it’s so true. No more of this. We can reverse this taboo by building our own vibrators without shame.
Own your pleasure, friends, and go check out Crave Design Factory.
Editors may receive samples and/or a share from purchases made via links on this page. All opinions are our own.
This article was originally published on