The Upcoming 'Veep' Reunion Is Exactly What 2020 Needs And Deserves

Julia Louis-Dreyfus’s video announcement is everything, and you must watch it immediately
You don’t even have to know every episode of HBO’s Veep by heart to know that the entire Trump presidency, particularly 2020, is basically life imitating art in many ways. While Julia Louis-Dreyfus‘ Selina Meyer wasn’t exactly a fascist dictator, she was a narcissist. But with way better comedic timing. And her announcement of a Veep reunion couldn’t come at a better moment in this godforsaken mess of a year.
The entire Veep cast is getting back together — and revisiting an eerily prescient episode — to help get out the vote for the Georgia runoff elections in January. JLD’s video gives the perfect nod to Rudy Giuliani, which you don’t want to miss.
The cast will include Julia Louis-Dreyfus resuming her role as Selina Meyer, Anna Chlumsky, Reid Scott, Sam Richardson, Tony Hale, Timothy Simons, Clea DuVall, Matt Walsh, Gary Cole and Sarah Sutherland. Showrunner and executive producer David Mandel will also participate in the reunion.
“The cast of Veep had so much fun coming together during the election that we were looking for something else to do,” Louis-Dreyfus and Mandel said in a statement. “Luckily, there are two runoff elections in Georgia so we decided to get together again and bring some friends. And if this goes well, we are hoping for a second runoff, maybe in March.”
The cast initially reunited in October to raise funds for the presidential election. Now they’re coming together to give the state of Georgia as much money as possible to help elect Democrat senators and thus oust Ghouly VonNutsack (Mitch McConnell) from his position as Senate Majority Leader.
The cast will be doing a virtual table read of the famous episode titled “Mother,” which is so similar to real life in 2020 despite the fact that it was filmed in 2016. It follows President Meyer’s reelection, which is in jeopardy because the votes begin to sway out of her favor. And she requests that the state of Nevada (no, this isn’t a joke) to stop counting the votes. STOP. COUNTING. THE. VOTES. Sound familiar? Anyway, yes, it’s literally the perfect episode to re-read.
“Over the last few weeks, many brave and patriotic Americans have come forward having witnessed similarities between our ongoing election and the TV show Veep,” JLD says in the video, faux hair dye running down her sweaty face. “And not just a singular example, but a pattern that repeats itself over and over. Literally thousands, or hundreds of thousands, of cases to any experienced investigator, prosecutor — this would suggest there was a plan from a centralized place specifically focused on Veep. Have you watched Veep? Have you? It’s one of my favorites — with the nice lady.”
You can reserve a ticket and join the Veep cast for the event on Sunday, December 6, by donating to America Votes, an organization that is working to educate and turn out voters for the upcoming U.S. Senate races in Georgia.