So, Gwyneth Paltrow's Vagina Candle Started An 'Inferno' In Someone's House

Gwyneth Paltrow’s vagina candle isn’t just an overpriced gag gift, it’s also dangerous!
Last year, Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop line dropped its most Goopy product yet: a candle that smells like vagina. Who’s vagina? Unclear. The point is, Paltrow made a vagina candle and not only is it hilariously WTF, it’s also dangerous. A London woman has gone viral because her “This Smells Like My Vagina” candle allegedly caught on fire!
Jody Thompson told The Sun that she won the $75 candle online and proceeded to light it, as one does, when a “50cm flame leapt from the candle and out of the glass jar.”
Thompson says the “candle exploded and emitted huge flames, with bits flying everywhere,” telling the publication that she’s “never seen anything like it” and going so far as to say that “the whole thing was ablaze and it was too hot to touch. There was an inferno in the room.”
You hear that? Gwyneth Paltrow’s vagina candle caused an “inferno” in a woman’s home.
Luckily they didn’t have to call the fire department as the woman said she got the fire under control, though the fire department somehow found out about the incident and tweeted about it, saying, “It might be popular but do not leave #GwynethPaltrow scented candle unattended (or any candles for that matter).”
Imagine being called out, by name, but the fire department?
Thompson said that Goop’s SVP of Communications & Brand Marketing “alerted the manufacturer to the woman’s issue and have also reached out to her to send her some goop products to help pass the days in quarantine.”
Oh, how nice. What better way to come down from the threat of almost burning down your house with a wellness tracker that fits on your finger, collagen tea, and a yoni egg.
And I know you’re wondering, what exactly does a vagina candle smell like and what happens to one’s house when there’s a vagina “inferno?” According to Goop, the candle contains a “blend of geranium, citrusy bergamot, and cedar absolutes juxtaposed with Damask rose and ambrette seed that puts us in mind of fantasy, seduction, and a sophisticated warmth.” As for Thompson’s house, she says “the exploding vagina smell has gone now.”
Per People, the hilarious candle “started as a joke” between perfumer Douglas Little and Paltrow. Apparently, when they were testing different scents for perfumes, Paltrow said, “Uhhh.. this smells like a vagina.” Whilst vagina perfume didn’t appeal to Paltrow, they did think a candle could work, so they did a “test run” for the candle during the In Goop Health summit and “it sold out within hours.”
If you, even after hear this, still want one of these, Paltrow sells them on her site for $75 along with a candle called “This Smells Like My Orgasm.” Unclear if that one is a fire hazard as well.