This U.S. Soccer Star Will NOT Be Going To The White House, ThankYouVeryMuch

This soccer star SAVAGELY shut down the idea of celebrating her big win at the White House
The U.S. women’s soccer team has had one heck of a past few weeks, and they’re on the path to the Women’s World Cup. Team co-captain, Megan Rapinoe, was recently asked if she’d be on board to celebrate her team’s potential win at the White House. And uh, she gave the best “no” possible.
She doesn’t think the team will even be invited, but if by chance they are, well, don’t count Rapinoe in for the Big Mac party.
“I’m not going to the fucking White House,” she muttered when she was asked if she was excited at the idea of possibly going there. “We’re not gonna be invited. I doubt it.”
Rapinoe is no stranger to taking a political stance — she’s been protesting the national anthem by taking a knee during games for three years now. In an earlier interview, she brought up a good point about Trump and his ego when it comes to inviting winning athletes to the White House to celebrate.
“[Trump] tries to avoid inviting a team that might decline,” she said. “Or, like he did when the Warriors turned him down, he’ll claim they hadn’t been invited in the first place.” When the NBA’s Golden State Warriors turned down Trump’s invite back in 2017, he did, in fact, play it off as though they weren’t invited. When the Philadelphia Eagles won the 2018 Super Bowl, many players voiced their intentions to skip the traditional White House visit. He disinvited them shortly after.
When the Paralympics team paid the White House a visit post-games, he told them their events were “tough to watch.” So yeah, his idea of “honoring” athletes is notoriously awful anyway.
Rapinoe is openly gay and in a committed relationship with WNBA legend Sue Bird. Given the Trump administration’s stance on LGBTQ issues (among a million other things), it’s no wonder she’s not exactly chomping at the bit to go to the White House for cold fast food.
Social media users took immediate notice of Rapinoe’s brilliantly bold statement.
The President himself responded to Rapinoe’s comment, becuse of course he did. He included a completely unrelated (and false) rant about how criminal justice reform and “black unemployment” — as if unemployment is different based on the color of your skin.
He continued, saying “leagues and teams love coming to the White House” (lol) and that “Megan should WIN first before she TALKS!”
Looks like whatever button Megan Rapinoe pushed, it was a big one. His administration is responsible for concentration camps killing innocent children, but sure — let’s throw a hissy fit because a well-respected athlete doesn’t want to meet you or your stale french fries.
It recently came to light that the U.S. Women’s Soccer team is paid a fraction of what the men’s team is paid, despite their kick-ass record. To which we say, give these women and their co-captain everything. EVERYTHING THEY WANT. The end.