Your 2-Month-Old Baby’s Development And Milestones

Hooray, you made it to month 2 with your sweet little bundle of joy! That probably means you’re still sort of figuring things out (no shame there). And quite possibly, the bags under your eyes are starting to feel as big as the overstuffed diaper bag you’re toting around these days.
Stressing over your 2-month-old baby’s development and milestones probably doesn’t help you feel any less fatigued. But if you stare at that little angel long enough, even insomnia starts to seem like another adorable way your newborn has changed your world.
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Still, through your sleep-deprived baby-euphoria, you want to know what’s normal this month. So, put baby down for a nap, grab a cup of something, and brush up on what you can expect from your 2-month-old baby.
Your 2-Month-Old Baby’s Development & Growth Milestones
How much should a 2-month-old weigh?
Your 2-month-old baby’s weight keeps on inching up, probably by around 5 to 7 ounces per week. At this stage, there typically isn’t much difference in weight gain pace between breastfed and formula-fed babies — that comes a little later.
However, the World Health Organization does differentiate between the weight of a 2-month-old girl and a 2-month-old boy. The average weight of a 2-month old baby is 11.3 pounds for girls and 12.3 pounds for boys. Granted, some babies will be larger than this and some may be smaller. As long as baby’s on the growth upswing, they’re headed in the right direction.
How much do you feed a 2-month-old baby?
Baby might seem especially voracious these days because, hey, they’re growing! Whether you’re breastfeeding or formula feeding (maybe a little of both even — variety is the spice of life, as they say), your little one has been living on a steady diet of the liquid variety. At 2 months old, your tiny guzzler is consuming somewhere between 24 to 36 ounces of formula or 15 to 32 ounces of breast milk a day.
Can I give my 2-month-old food and water?
With their ever-increasing appetite, you may be wondering, “Can I give my 2-month-old food?” Well, that’s probably a conversation you need to have with your child’s pediatrician. Even if you think your two-month-old can eat a banana or something soft like mashed potatoes, you shouldn’t give them anything before consulting your little one’s pediatrician. Generally, doctors recommend that moms wait until their babies are six months old to introduce solids. A few signs your baby might be ready sooner could be good head and neck control, enough oral motor skills to move food to the throat, and doubled birth weight. Drooling at the sight of food is a pretty good sign, too.
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And while you might be thinking baby must be parched, don’t be. Before the age of six-months-old, breastmilk or formula is all baby needs to drink — even on hot days.
How much should a 2-month-old be sleeping?
Judging by your fatigue level, you’re might be convinced your baby isn’t getting nearly enough sleep. What’s the benchmark? Well, the National Sleep Foundation says that two-month-old babies should be getting between 14 to 17 hours of sleep in a 24-hour-period, on average. Your baby might fall slightly outside of this range on either side, and that’s normal, too.
It only seems like they’re getting no sleep because, TBH, you aren’t. And the reason you aren’t is because baby is sleeping in small bursts and still waking up to feed throughout the night. As they gain more weight, your baby will start snoozing through the night (a light at the end of the sleepless tunnel!). Heck, if you’re lucky, your baby might already be sleeping four to eight hours a night.
Your 1 Month Old Baby’s Physical, Social, And Cognitive Milestones
How much can a 2-month-old baby see and smell?
If you’ve been wondering whether two-month-old babies recognize their parents, prepare to be filled with joy — at this age, baby is starting to recognize all kinds of objects, including Mom and Dad’s faces. In fact, you might be their favorite focal point, and they might reward you for it with gummy grins or adorable baby babble.
Remember how last month baby was drawn to simple black-and-white or geometric patterns? This month, they’re starting to dig more intricate designs like spirals. And, yep, your 2-month-old can see color. They could last month too, but they’re starting to be able to see shade and hues even better now.
Can a 2-month-old watch TV?
Now that baby is starting to see colors better and enjoying their sharpening vision, it might be tempting to position their swing in front of the TV so Mama can get a little rest. But although a two-month-old baby can technically watch TV, it doesn’t necessarily mean they should. According to Dr. David L. Hill for the American Academy of Pediatrics, a 2-month-old’s brain is incapable of even making sense of what they’re seeing on screen. “What infants and toddlers need most to learn is interaction with the people around them,” says Hill. Essentially, the problem isn’t necessarily with your baby tuning into the TV but with the fact they’re tuning out everything else.
How alert should a 2-month-old be?
It’s worth prefacing this response with a reminder that developmental milestones can vary from two-month-old to two-month-old. Gotta get that out of the way so that you, anxious Mama, don’t have a panic attack out of fear your baby isn’t alert “enough.” That qualifier is pretty subjective anyway, right?
But here are a few different things a two-month-old is likely alert enough to be doing: looking for a parent, cooing, turning heads toward sounds, following things with eyes (or at least starting to), smiling at people. If your baby doesn’t respond to loud sounds, watch things as they move, start to smile, or hold their head up during tummy time, check in with their pediatrician. It may be nothing but, if it is a delay of any sort, early invention can make a difference.
How do you play with a two-month-old baby?
At two months old, babies are still new and kinda awkward. Adorably so. Understandably so. But since they don’t exactly have full control of their little bodies yet, you may be wondering how you play with a two-month-old baby. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to bond with your baby that — bonus! — also help improve baby’s cognitive, social and emotional development.
Since baby likes colors and patterns now, this is a great month to get down on the floor with your tot and explore their infant gym. Gently clapping your baby’s hands to nursery rhymes like “Pat-a-Cake” is a wonderful (and let’s be real, fun) way to boost hand-eye coordination. Get creative! There are lots of 2-month-old baby activities for your little family to enjoy.
Your 2-Month-Old Baby’s Health
What happens at a 2-month-old checkup?
Happily, baby has another wellness check this month, which means you can ask their pediatrician all of the questions you’ve been Googling in paranoia over the last few weeks. Outside of reassuring you, though, doc will do a few other things. Like last month’s appointment, the doctor will do a physical exam with baby undressed to check baby’s eyes, heart, hips, movements, and more. Baby’s weight, length, and head circumference will be measured and logged.
Your baby’s doctor will also ask you questions (yes, they get a turn too!) to gauge your little one’s progress. Expect to give them the rundown on your 2-month-old’s feeding schedule, how much baby is pooping and peeing, and what kind of sleep you all are getting.
What vaccinations does a 2-month-old get?
Prepare to kiss a new ouchie! Your baby’s pediatrician will update their immunizations, which typically means suffering — more you than them, TBH — through a shot or two. At 2 months, your baby may get the DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis) vaccine, the Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b) vaccine, the IPV (polio vaccine), the PCV (pneumococcal vaccine), the RV (rotavirus vaccine), and the HBV (hepatitis B vaccine) if they haven’t previously received it.
How do I know if my 2-month-old is healthy?
Baby’s immune system is still new so, especially if they have older siblings, they may catch the official virus or cold. Keep a close eye on baby if they seem to present anything other than mild or minor symptoms. If they experience repeated diarrhea and vomiting, an unexplained rash, trouble breathing, lack of appetite, is excessively cranky, or has a rectal temperature above 100.4 F, you should seek a doctor’s opinion.
Written by Julie Sprankles.
Read More:
3-Month-Old Baby — Newborn Care, Feeding, Sleeping Schedule, And More
Your 5 Week Old Baby’s Development And Milestones
Your 6 Week Old Baby’s Development And Milestones
Your 7 Week Old Baby’s Development And Milestones
Your 8 Week Old Baby’s Development And Milestones
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