
170+ Truly Brilliant Trivia Team Names For Your Next Game Night

by Deirdre Kaye
Originally Published: 
trivia team names

Are you crushing it on Trivia Night at your local watering hole? Sure, you’re already known for never getting a music question wrong. And your best friend has anything sports-related on lock. But, if your team name is boring, you’re missing out. A good team should win naming awards, too. It should be the kind of name that, even if the other players hate you, they can’t help but snicker when they hear it. If you’re one smart cookie, who is disappointed with her quiz time team name, we get it. The key to good team names is always in the pun. But, in the heat of the moment, it’s hard to come up with something truly unique and pithy.

Of course, once you have scored a team name, you need to make sure you’re actually prepared to kick ass on trivia night. Luckily for you, ScaryMommy has your back. Whether you need to brush up on Disney trivia or Harry Potter Trivia, we’ve got your back. Taking on a television trivia night? We have trivia for Friends, The Office, and How I Met Your Mother. If geography is your JEOPARDY downfall, we totally get it. So, we collected a ton of geography trivia, too. Sometimes, you just need some random trivia or fun facts to browse while waiting for your beer (or your coffee) or sitting on the loo. We’ve got that, too.

We’ve collected some of our favorite options so next time there’s a tournament, you can offer some useful insight for a team name — of course, you still have to talk Amy out of using “Four Non-Blondes,” again. (Insert hard eye roll.) These team names offer everything from a look into the real reason you’re there (to drink, duh) to a peek at your Harry Potter fandom. There are even some options to show off just how much you love Alex Trebek. What witty and smart name will you choose? We have about five dozen options to consider.

Trivia Team Names to Laugh About

(Just pretend like you thought of these on your own — we won’t tell.)

1. Let’s Get Trivial

2. Quizzically Challenged 3. Quizness In The Front, Party In The Back 4. Very Stable Geniuses 5. I Thought This Was Speed Dating 6. Quizzin’ Our Pants 7. No Eye Dears 8. The Spanish In-Quiz-Ition 9. Team Quizzitch 10. Alternative Facts 11. And In First Place 12. The Nation of Quizam 13. Make Trivia Great Again 14. Victorious Secret 15. Just Guessing 16. Question Heirs 17. Apple-Bottom Geniuses 18. My Trivia Partner Doesn’t Know This Is a Date 19. My Drinking Team Has a Trivia Problem 20. Quiz in My Pants 21. Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? Because We Brought One 22. You’re a Quizard, Harry 23. The Smartest Guys in the Room 24. The Greatest Show On Stools 25. LeBron Tears. 26. Profound Confusion 27. S Team D 28. I’m Only Here to Establish an Alibi 29. The Quizzard of Oz 30. A win for us will come down to a coin flip 31. QuizTeama Aguilera 32. Superiority Complex 33. Lavish Display of Ignorance 34. Milwaukee Talkies 35. The League of Extraordinary Guessers 36. I’ll Take Potpourri for $100, Alex 37. Sherlock Homies 38. You can’t sit with us 39. Luck has nothing to do with it 40. Know Eye Deer 41. We’d rather be on Jeopardy! 42. Ithering Blidiots 43. Low Expectations 44. Not Here To Make Friends 45. Epic Failures

Pop Culture Trivia Team Names

(Because mamas know their Star Wars trivia, too, fools! And don’t even get us started on all our Harry Potter knowledge. We can drop it like it’s incendio.)

46. Let’s Get Quizzical

47. Trivia Newton John 48. John Trivialta 49. Quizteam Aguilera 50. Quiz Khalifa 51. Agatha Quizty 52. Born To Run-ner Up 53. Suck It, Trebek! 54. Trebek’s Rejects 55. Practicing For Jeopardy 56. League Of Extraordinary Guessers 57. Can We Use A Lifeline? 58. Quiz Me, Baby (One More Time) 59. Risky Quizness 60. Les Quizerables 61. On Wednesdays We Do Trivia 62. Disney Quiznesses 63. Someday My Pints Will Come 64. The Emperor’s New Crew 65. No One Mansplains Like Gaston 66. The Fellowship Of The Quiz 67. The Night Before Quizmas 68. Trivia of the Clones 69. The Phantom Trivia 70. Trivia Team Assemble 71. I Am Smartacus 72. The Quizzards Of Oz 73. The Brewsual Suspects 74. You’re A Quizzard, Harry 75. Dumbledorks 76. The Team Who Must Not Be Named 77. Dumb And Dumbledore 78. Slytherin It To Win It

The Office Trivia Team Names

79. That’s What She Said

80. World’s Best Boss 81. BOOM! Roasted! 82. Little Kid Lover 83. Kevin and the Zits 84. Death to Toby 85. You, Me and Concierge Marie 86. The Party Planning Committee 87. The Dundies 88. Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration 89. Schrute Farms 90. Michael Scott Paper Company

Seinfeld Trivia Team Names

91. The Rabid Anti-Dentites

92. Festivus Miracle 93. Art Vandelay 94. The Schmoopies 95. The Moops 96. Jon Voight’s Car 97. The Junior Mints 98. Yada Yada Yada 99. Little Jerry Steinfeld 100. The Lesser Babkas 101. The Trivia Show About Nothing 102. No Soup For You 103. HELLOOOOO! 104. Importer Exporter 105. Can’t Stand Ya 106. The Puffy Shirts 107. Just a Salad 108. The Double Dippers 109. Masters of Trivia Domain 110. Kramerica Industries

Trivia Team Names With a Drinking Spin

(Ain’t no laws with White Claw… even on Trivia Night. Win that free appetizer, B! And show the boys you know more about bourbon than they think they do.)

111. Smarty Pints

112. A Drinking Team With A Trivia Problem 113. Let’s Ask Whiskeypedia 114. The Smartinis 115. Menaces To Sobriety 116. Rum, Forrest, Rum 117. E=MC Hammer 118. Tequila Mockingbird 119. We’d Win If We Weren’t Drunk (But Then We Wouldn’t Be Drunk) 120. Win Or Quiz 121. Red Hot Trivia Peppers 122. Multiple Scoregasms 123. Taking Care of Quizness 124. DUI Know Nothing 125. Pabst Smears 126. Blood Sweat And Beers 127. Too Much Beer Makes Us Quizzy 128. Know It Ales 129. Three Must Get Beers

Trivia Team Names Inspired By the House of the Mouse

130. Lady and the Champ

132. When You Wish Upon a Bar 133. Walt Quizney 134. Turn Down for Walt 135. We Mermaid for Each Other 136. The Incredibles 137. The Emperor’s New Clues 138. Alice in Winnerland 139. Shark Bait Hoo Ha Ha 140. Tink’s Think Tank

Trivia Team Names Inspired By Harry Potter

141. Accio Win

142. Snapes on a Plane 143. Team Quizzitch 144. Hogwarts Runaways 145. Potterheads 146. Dumbledorks 147. You’re a Quizzard, Harry 148. Don’t You Wish Your Lumos Was Hot Like Me 149. When Harry Met Dumbledore 150. Voldemort Believe We Gonna Win 151. Muggle Mayhem 152. Wimbourne Wasps 153. Death Omens 154. Flitwick’s Nitwits 155. Nearly Brainless Nicks 156. Knights of Walpurgis 157. The Rememberalls 158. Erised’s Desire 159. Siriusly? 160. Hungry Hungry Hippogriffs 161. Patronus Legion 162. Granger Zone 163. Expecto Winno! 164. The Gringotts’ Goblins 165. That’s So Ravenclaw 166. The Deluminators 167. The Horned Serpents 168. Moaning Muggles 169. The Daily Prophets 170. Law and Auror 171. The Bludgers 172. The Whomping Willows 173. Lumos Lions 174. Determined Dracos

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