10 Tech-Savvy (And Fun!) Ways To Track Santa

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas is (almost) here, and with stockings hung by the chimney with care — or, in my case, with stockings hung by the window and over the stair — many hope Saint Nicholas will soon be here. But did you know you can track Santa’s journey? It’s true. From NORAD’s Santa Tracker to Alexa’s “Where’s Santa,” there are several tech-savvy ways to follow the big bearded guy’s journey across the sky. Here are our favorite apps, websites, and smart speaker/home assistant skills.
NORAD Tracks Santa
Arguably the most popular and well-known Santa-tracking app is NORAD Tracks Santa. First introduced in 1955 as a call-in phone service, NORAD Tracks Santa is an annual Christmas-themed program in which NORAD simulates — in real time — the tracking of Santa Claus. Follow NORAD Tracks Santa on the organization’s official Santa-tracking website and/or on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Google Santa Tracker
Launched in 2004, Google’s Santa Tracker doesn’t just follow Santa’s infamous one-night flight — the website gives children full access to the North Pole. As of December 1, children can explore, learn, and play with Santa’s elves. Fun for the whole family.
Sirius XM Kids Place Live
Are you traveling this holiday season? Perhaps you need a way to keep track of Santa’s whereabouts on-the-go? In collaboration with the NORAD Santa Tracker, kiddos can tune into Kids Place Live — or Sirius XM’s channel 78 — to get live updates on the man in red. Starts at 4:00pm EST on Christmas Eve.
Santa Update
Do you want to keep tabs on Santa? Like, really keep tabs on him? With Santa Update you can stay abreast of all of Santa’s work by reading the site’s daily blog, which chronicles everything from recent improvements in the North Pole (and wrapping technology) to the elf parade. The website also features fun activities, a podcast, and — of course — a Santa tracker, which goes live on Christmas Eve.
Speak to Santa Christmas Call
If you want to know Santa’s location and chat with him, the Speak to Santa Christmas Call app may be right for you. With personalized video and voice calls and Elfish technology, “Speak to Santa” can pinpoint Santa’s location anywhere on the planet. Talk to Santa, and find out where he is, while reading the North Pole News.
(You can also find plenty more options for calling and texting Santa and his crew here!)
Email Santa
While the main purpose of Email Santa is — you guessed it! — to email Santa, this website also has games, pictures, jokes, and a Santa tracker. A feel good website full of holiday magic, and fun.
Santa Tracker — Track Santa
Available on both Apple and Google devices, Santa Tracker will tell you (and your children) where Santa is, what he’s doing, and how long it will take for him to arrive at your house. Cute, fun, and easy to use.
Santa Tracker and Status Check
Stay up-to-date this Christmas with Santa Tracker and Status Check. This app shows you Santa’s status and location — i.e., it lets you know where Santa is and what he’s up to. Santa Tracker provides a Christmas “countdown,” letting you know how many sleeps until the holiday is here, and it even tells users Santa’s mood, which is obviously #jolly. Available on both Apple and Google devices.
Santa Tracker Christmas and Countdown to Xmas Fun
Do you want to know where Santa is at all times? This app will tell you that and more. Download Santa Tracker Christmas and Countdown to Xmas Fun now on the Google Play store.
OnStar Santa Tracker
OnStar Members can track Santa Claus in their car and on-the-go with the push of a button. Simply ask OnStar to discover the location of Santa and his reindeer from 6:00am on Christmas Eve until 5:00am on Christmas Day.
Alternately, you can also ask any Google or Amazon device where Mr. Christmas is. Simply say “where’s Santa?” and you’ll be met with a slew of information about the jolly dude. You can even get the “North Pole Newscast,” an interactive radio program that talks about Santa, by asking “what’s new at the North Pole?”
Happy tracking!
This article was originally published on