It’s The Tik Tok Memes For Me — 25 Best TikTok Memes For Beginners

Jumping into the world of TikTok can be an intimidating prospect for anyone who isn’t a part of Gen Z, but it’s not impossible. As the app’s popularity continues its meteoric rise, TikTok memes are becoming a part of everyone’s social media experience, not just the youths (although, they remain the platform’s true trailblazers). It’s a fun time pass, an excellent place to find a parenting community, and chock-full of new music all the time. And the best news is, anyone can get in on the TikTok meme action — or dress like them — even if you’re a total beginner.
From performing dance routines to sharing relatable experiences, there’s a wide variety of TikTok memes out there. Some of them — like the #RunawayAurora trend — involve at least a passing knowledge of filters and camera tricks, while others are more technologically challenging (think the #MirrorWipe challenge). However, no matter your skill level, there are plenty of TikTok memes that are easy for everyone to participate in, even if a few of them might involve a bit of trial and error. You just need a few TikTok ideas to get you started on your journey toward becoming a pro at using the popular app.
Whether you’ve decided to join TikTok after falling for the social media platform’s short and funny videos during the pandemic, or you’re just looking to impress your tween the next time they show you the latest dance routine making the rounds on the internet, this list of memes is full of TikTok ideas for beginners. As with any form of social media, the most important part is to have fun, so try not to get frustrated if you don’t recreate a meme perfectly the first time you try it out. One of the best things about this particular platform is just how creative it allows its users to be, which means there is always room to make mistakes — and maybe even create a meme of your own.
Break out your dance shoes and prepare to utilize all of that ’90s nostalgia that lives rent-free in your head, because these are the best TikTok memes for beginners to try out right now.
TikTok Memes and Ideas for Beginners
1. #Unwritten
Everyone loves ’00s pop star Natasha Bedingfield, even modern-day TikTokers. A remix of her classic song “Unwritten” titled “Esco Like Yhop ft. Shawn P” has gone viral on the app alongside dance moves created by @rony_boyy and @gleefuljhits. To recreate this one, just pair the remix with the dance moves as illustrated by chef Gordan Ramsay and his daughter Tilly.
Whether you’re happily married or 100 percent single, anyone can participate in this fun meme. All you need to do is come up with a list of silly wedding rules you would implement on your dream big day, and then share them on TikTok.
3. Create A Duet
Duets never go out of style on TikTok. These videos involve one TikTok user building on someone else’s creation by adding their own dance moves or jokey response to the first person’s creation. TikTok even has an official tutorial to teach you how to pull off this meme yourself.
4. #PetDressUp
Do you have a pet? Well pop a funny hat on them and add some music, and you have yourself a winning meme that will be hard for any animal lover to resist.
5. Gummy Bear Adele
This hilarious meme started out when someone paired the opening line of Adele’s “Someone Like You” chorus with a lone gummy bear, before panning to a crowd of gummy bears singing along. Since then, the meme has been adapted by users who have subbed in everything from Shopkins to Oreos for the gummy bears.
6. #RunawayAurora
TikTok users are setting videos to the hypnotic song “Runaway” by Aurora and pairing them with a filter that shows off their silhouettes against a dreamy night sky. This one works best if you highlight a romantic moment, special talent, or even your pet to create a whimsical effect. Basically, the end result should be a video that feels like gorgeous Tumblr art that’s been brought to life.
7. #HurtMyFeelings
If you feel comfortable being a bit vulnerable on the app, this meme could be the one for you. It involves pairing “Bulletproof” by La Roux alongside text describing a hardship you’ve faced that’s made you feel stronger in the long run. Even “Driver’s License” singer Olivia Rodrigo has gotten in on the act.
Forget “live, laugh, love,” in the world of TikTok an inspirational quote can be something as mundane as the last text you received paired with a beautiful field of daisies.
9. #MedievalTikTok
History lovers, this one is for you. This meme involves users pairing a medieval-inspired version of Shakira’s “Hips Don’t Lie” with a video of themselves pretending to be a peasant or royal from the olden days.
10. Tell Me You’re A Millennial Without Saying You’re A Millennial
This challenge might be the easiest one of them all. All you need to do is convey to viewers that you’re a millennial by showing them something only someone who grew up in the ’90s or early ’00s could love (think cootie catchers) or by revealing a habit that’s specific to your age group (like saving houses on Zillow that you can’t afford to buy).
11. Two Fingers On Arm
In this challenge, users share a weird, but true story about themselves, before cutting to a video featuring them placing two fingers on their forearm to signify that they’re telling the truth.
12. #TimeWarpScan
Like Instagram, TikTok has a number of filters for users to utilize when they’re making videos. Among the most popular filters is the Time Warp Scan which involves a blue line going down the screen and distorting the image. You use this filter to create everything from faux mirror images to turning yourself into a Tim Burton character.
13. Stair Shuffle Dance Challenge
The stair shuffle dance challenge has been around since at least 2018, and although the steps themselves aren’t hard, quite a few people have fallen attempting this little number since it does involve shuffling your way upstairs. If you don’t feel confident dancing your way all the way up a flight of stairs, this one can definitely be adapted — one person even popped tiny shoes on their fingers and “danced” up a set of toy stairs.
14. What’s A Video That Lives In Your Head Rent-Free?
This meme was started by @jessssthemess, who first shared a video in which she posed the question “What’s a video that lives in your head rent-free?” Since then, people have responded with everything from bizarre TV clips to memorable viral videos from the internet.
15. #PrankWars
If you can pull off an effective prank on one of your loved ones in just 15 seconds, then you can participate in #PrankWars.
16. “Say So” Dance
Doja Cat’s “Say So” has spawned a wildly popular dance craze on TikTok that is thankfully fairly easy to learn with a good tutorial.
17. Taylor Swift’s “Love Story”
A remixed version of Taylor Swift’s “Love Story” has become a dance meme which involves people acting out the lyrics to the song. If you’re not ready to commit to a full dance routine, some people have shared videos of their pets “dancing” along to the tune, too.
18. #IAmLost
Set to the tune of “In This Shirt” by The Irrepressibles, this meme involves pairing the song with objects that are forever lost (think missing socks) or simply expressing a feeling of having no idea what’s going on.
19. The Thanos Snap
Fans of the Marvel movies are having fun imagining what it would have been like to be on the receiving end of Thanos’ infamous snap at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. In these videos, the snap sound effect is paired with videos of people doing everyday things like preparing to eat their dinner.
20. “Agatha All Along”
Another Marvel meme making the rounds involves people pairing the song “Agatha All Along” from WandaVision with videos of themselves lip-syncing to the lyrics.
21. Wipe It Down
The “Wipe It Down” challenge features users spraying their mirrors with window cleaner and then seeing a dressed-up version of themselves in the reflection. Pulling this one off can be a little bit tricky, but there are plenty of tutorials you can follow.
22. “Waking Up In The Morning”
A song from Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice’s daughter Gia is the inspiration behind this challenge which pairs audio of her singing with viewers sharing embarrassing moments from their own lives (even Will Smith has gotten in on the act).
23. Shoe Change Challenge
The shoe change challenge began in 2018, and since then, it has evolved to people changing their entire outfits in a snap while music plays in the background. However, the original version is pretty simplistic — it involves people splicing together videos of them swapping out their shoes in time to the beat.
24. “Church Bells”
Carrie Underwood’s “Church Bells” has inspired one of the easier dance routines to take TikTok by storm. The first part of the dance is just people dramatically moving their arms followed by them striking a pose.
25. The Bridgerton Challenge
Sponsored by Netflix, this challenge is about showcasing how things have changed since the 1800s. All you need to do is stitch together a clip from Bridgerton alongside your own video illustrating how things like flirting and dating have evolved in modern times.
Whether you’re ready to shuffle your way up the stairs or pay homage to Bridgerton, these memes are a great way to kick off your TikTok journey.
What are old grannies TikTok memes?
TikTok isn’t just for Gen Z. Even older adults have hopped on the fun! One of the more popular grannies to go viral is Grandma Chainz, a 94-year-old woman from China, who is known for making hip hop/comedy videos. Her grandson featured her on his TikTok, and the masses fell in love with her. Let’s face it; it’s cute watching older adults do viral dances or react to pop culture. It’s almost as adorable as cat videos. Grandma Chainz’s account has over 4.6 million followers, which proves just how much grannies (and grandpas) rock!
TikTok Ban Memes
Remember when TikTok was on the verge of being banned. Well, basically, former President Donald Trump believed it was a threat to national security because of its tie to China. However, the app was never removed from the app store because it would impact major companies like Apple and Google. But anyway, there were a ton of memes about the impending “ban” that will make you LOL. See below:
Top TikTok Stars in the World
Charli D’Amelio
@charlidamelio 104.7 million followers
Khabane Lame
@khaby.lame 87 million followers
Addison Rae
@addisonre 73.3 million followers
Zach King
@zachking 54.3 million followers
Bella Poarch
@bellapoarch 51.2 million followers
Spencer X
@spencerx 50.7 million followers
Loren Gray
@loren 50.4 million followers
Dixie D’Amelio
@dixiedamelio 47.6 million followers
Micheal Le
@justmaiko 43.9 million followers
Riyaz Afreen
@riyaz.14 43.7 million followers
Ariel Martin
@babyariel 35.2 million followers
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