People Are Not Happy About This 3-Year-Old Applying Makeup

She applies makeup better than most grown adults
At some point when we were little, most of us got into our moms makeup. We likely applied a little too much blush or tried (and failed) to use her eyelash curler, leaving us with considerably fewer lashes than before we started. But a three-year-old little girl is getting some major props for a video showing off her expert level makeup skills, and of course plenty of shade to go with it.
Mom Suela originally posted a video of her three-year-old daughter, Liriana, on Instagram earlier this year, which was then reposted by MyMakeupCover and HudaBeauty, both of whom have millions of followers. In the video, the adorable little girl applies under eye concealer, perfectly blended eyeshadow, blush, and even puts on mascara like a total boss.
She does her own makeup from start to finish,” Suela told Yahoo. “I just sit there and record her while she does her own thing. She loves to copy everything that I do. Literally everything has to match with me: our outfits, makeup, hair. It’s so funny and she’s been this way since she was, like, 1 and a half.”
Once her videos were shared, people watched her in droves and although there were many who supported and cheered on Liriana, there were of course scores of others who just had to let their feelings be known.
And this person who isn’t too bothered about her age but is definitely paranoid about the validity of her talents for some reason.
“My daughter does not wake up and put makeup on. She just loves to play with it from time to time and I have no problem allowing her to do it because we’ve all done it,” she told Yahoo. “I started to record her doing her makeup for my family so when I was reading people’s comments saying I’m trying to sell her or taking away her innocence or that making her not love herself without makeup, I was baffled,” she continued. “I don’t think any mother would bring that negativity to their child; this is all for fun.”
What’s wrong with letting a kid be a kid and enjoy the things they like? If she likes makeup (and site clearly has a knack for it), there’s nothing wrong with letting her experiment. It doesn’t mean she’s going clubbing this weekend, it just means she’s doing what she loves.
The negative comments aren’t stopping this budding makeup artist. Suela told Scary Mommy her advice to her kids and is to always follow their heart and do what makes them happy. “I hope my children surround themselves with positive people because there are way too many people out there that will bring you down and very few to lift you up so don’t waste your energy trying to make anyone that doesn’t matter happy,”she said.
It looks like nothing is stopping this little powerhouse. She now has a YouTube channel called Liriana’s World where you can find more makeup tutorials and even watch her whip up some “very pretty good” cookies while you’re at it.
It seems like this three-year-old has it all figured out.
This article was originally published on