
Why We Can't Have Nice Things

by Team Scary Mommy
Originally Published: 
Christine Organ

We’ve all said it: This is why we can’t have nice things. But what does that really mean? And what does it look like? We here at Scary Mommy thought we would show you what it means to us.

These are just a few of the reasons why we can’t have nice things:

Because we had no idea we would never see our floor again.

Wendy Wisner

Because kids think tablet screens are meant to be cracked.

Rita Templeton


Because sometimes our children decide to “help.”

Rachael Pavlik

Because walls are for climbing…

Rita Templeton

…and so are closets.

Rita Templeton

Because when our kids aren’t destroying our house, our pets are.

Christine Organ

Because raising kids is like raising talking piglets.

Samantha Angoletta

Because food has a way of ending up everywhere but in a baby’s mouth.

Because kids think that “minivan” is synonymous with “dumpster.”

Now show us why you can’t have nice things. Follow Scary Mommy on Instagram, and use the hashtag #scarymess.

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