This Is What I'll Say When Another Mom Asks Me About Cannabis

Article supported by Curaleaf
There’s a facial expression people make when I tell them that yes, I not only consume cannabis, I actually think it helps me be a better mom. It’s a nearly microscopic eyebrow raise, then a quick straightening of the face, followed by an “Ohhhh, ok. That’s cool. Yeah, I was just a little surprised…”
And I sometimes ask myself why. Why, despite surviving a pandemic, despite the mental health challenges the past few years have served up, are people still surprised that “normal” moms consume cannabis?
We Walk Among You
It’s true. We’re out here. You’ve met us at school pickup, at the park, and you’ve definitely scheduled a playdate with us. Just like the well-represented Wine Moms (talk about loud and proud!), we’re just like you.
I think people believe buying cannabis involves going to a sketchy apartment decorated with posters that could best be described as “trippy.” Maybe they picture a guy named Tyler or Nick or Chad who claims he has “killer kush.”
Y’all. It’s just not like that anymore. In states where it’s legal for adult use, you can enter a dispensary as easily as you would a wine shop — or a pharmacy for that matter — and find helpful, knowledgeable staff who are deeply familiar with the plant. You can literally get the same kinds of recommendations you’d get if you asked which white pairs nicely with Thai food. They can help guide you to an informed choice that’s right for you.
Planning Mini-Mental Retreats
Looking back, it’s clear now that spending time in place’s like Tyler’s apartment way back in the day was an earlier attempt to manage the unknown. These days I have a much better handle on what my specific struggles are, and it all makes more sense. (Thank you, therapy!) See, anxiety has a tendency to kill my vibes — from spiraling thoughts to sweating the small stuff — it’s the worst. I was prescribed cannabis by my doctor, and because of that, the small challenges no longer feel the same.
Like a lot of us whose sleep patterns have been disrupted by the demands of family life, one friend of mine was prescribed cannabis to address her sleeplessness. For her, it’s been a game-changer.
Some of us are dealing with anxiety struggles and disrupted sleep, but apart from that, can we also admit that sometimes a mom just needs a break? This whole parenthood thing ain’t easy. We all need the occasional locked-door, candlelit mini-retreat with a hot bath and an entire season of our favorite trash shows. Add a cannabis gummy and some chocolate and you’ve got yourself a proper mini-vaca.
Start Low, Go Slow
It’s interesting how the surprised expression often transforms into thoughtful interest. If anyone asks me how to get started, I tell them this one simple phrase: start low and go slow. If cannabis is new for you (or it’s been awhile) get an expert recommendation and then just take it slow. Wait ‘til the kids are asleep and you don’t have to drive anywhere. Then put on your coziest clothes, see how you feel, and track it in a journal. After all, this is a journey.
Stigma doesn’t have to persist if we all share our truths. Self care looks different for everyone, yet we still get those surprised looks. We can be great moms, drive carpools, make nutritious dinners, read bedtime stories – and also consume cannabis.
Start your cannabis journey and find a Curaleaf dispensary near you.
The statements in this publication are solely those of Scary Mommy and not Curaleaf. Laws governing the legality, availability and use of marijuana vary by state.
This article was originally published on