This Gorgeous Photoshoot Is Making The Internet Feel Things

Look at this gorgeous couple
Bria Terry from Wolf & Rose photography was putting together a portfolio for a site that wanted to publish her work, and put a call out for couples. Stephanie and Arynn, an engaged couple, decided to go for it.
Little did they know their shoot would go wildly viral after Terry shared it on her Facebook page. Since Terry posted it last week, the portfolio has been shared 84,000 times.
“Today, and always, Wolf & Rose Photography celebrates real love, and the beautiful couples who allow me to capture it,” Terry captioned the portfolio.
The images are raw and gorgeous. They are at the same time intimate, and totally liberating.
Image via Wolf & Rose Photography
“My initial reaction to the idea of this shoot was, actually, excitement,” Stephanie tells Scary Mommy. “We are always looking to try something new and different for both of us. I have always loved the idea of a boudoir session. The confidence radiating off the women, in those pictures, is something, I believe, everyone woman wants to see from herself.”
Image via Wolf & Rose Photography
“Arryn is the one suggested that we do a couple’s shoot,” she explains. “He knew that I was head over heels for that style of photography and wanted to be a part of the experience as well. He was a tad bit more uncomfortable than I was, but he took it like a champ, and pushed through.”
Image via Wolf & Rose Photography
“They have reached more people than we ever imagined happening,” Stephanie says. “The positive feedback has been phenomenal.” The images are really resonating with people.
This is probably one of the most beautiful and inspiring things I have ever seen.
Gorgeous love the comfortable love of two souls connecting in the simplest ways! No fear… LOVE.
This is so perfect. Their love for one another shines so bright that nothing else in the world matters, especially not the opinions of those who would try to bring them down. You did a wonderful job of capturing that connection.
I needed to see this today. The photography and the couple themselves are beautiful together.
There are literally thousands of comments, just like the ones above. It’s such a positive comment section — something that is so hard to find on the internet. The couple really bared themselves and the photographer was able to capture it — and it’s touching people everywhere. “I have read over and over how inspiring this is for people,” Stephanie says. “That the session gave, both men and women alike, the confidence and courage to do their own shoot. Which is amazing! I could not ask for more than that.”
Image via Wolf & Rose Photography
“I honestly have never felt more attractive,” Stephanie told HuffPost. “I was so nervous to see the final result. I didn’t know what to expect. But when I saw the album, I was shocked. I look so in love and confident. Every person should be able to see themselves in that light. It is really eye-opening.”
It’s true. When you look at the photos, you truly get the feeling that we’re seeing the couple through each other’s eyes — and it’s beautiful. How many of you have partners who tell you what it is they see when they look at you — and many times it’s not what you see. We are so used to being hard on ourselves, it’s hard to step outside of that. This portfolio conveys a raw confidence and beauty. It really makes you feel like you’re looking through the eyes of a lover.
Image via Wolf & Rose Photography
“We have been together for about a year and a half. This upcoming March will be two years. We became engaged this past February,” Stephanie explains. “This photo shoot was more for fun than anything else. Bria posted that she needed a couple to do a boudoir session for an article that wanted to publish her work. Arryn and I volunteered and we had our session the next day. It was very spur of the moment.”
The shots remind me of one of my favorite quotes, ever, by the poet Kahlil Gibran:
“The professors in the academy say, ‘Do not make the model more beautiful than she is,’ and my soul whispers, ‘O if you could only paint the model as beautiful as she really is.'”
Image via Wolf & Rose Photography