
10 Things New Moms Want to Tell New Dads

by Scary Mommy
Originally Published: 

1. You’re holding the baby wrong. Do it anyway.

2. You’re wiping the baby wrong. Do it anyway.

3. You’re putting the diaper on wrong. Do it anyway.

4. You’re burping the baby wrong. Do it anyway.

5. You’re bathing the baby wrong. Do it anyway.

6. You’re pushing the stroller wrong. Do it anyway.

7. You’re feeding the baby wrong. Do it anyway.

8. You’re dressing the baby wrong. Do it anyway.

9. You’re soothing the baby wrong. Do it anyway.

10. You’re singing to the baby wrong. Do it anyway.


P.S. We have no idea what the hell we’re doing, either.

Related post: 10 Things Expectant Dads Need To Know

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