Tess Holliday Posts Hot Selfie To Remind Moms They Can Still Feel Sexy

Tess Holliday posts a beautiful reminder to moms that just because they’ve had kids doesn’t mean they can’t feel sexy
Once you have kids, it might be kinda hard to feel sexy and attractive. At least not in the way you did before you sacrificed your body and became a 24/7 milk vending machine for a tiny creature that continually spits up on you and has leaky poops. So much sexy, y’all. That’s why moms need model and body positivity advocate Tess Holliday to remind them that they’ve still got it going on — and shouldn’t be afraid to show it.
Holliday took to Instagram this week to share what’s become a signature type of post — one meant to pump up moms and lead by example. She shared a stunning photo of herself along with a message literally all of us need to hear.
“I’ve always resisted the notion that once you become a mother, you can no longer be sexy. If anything I feel sexier now, than ever. To the moms out there struggling to feel beautiful, sexy, or anything other than exhausted: I see you. You got this,” she writes.
Feel better now? I have to admit — I do. Having kids can be a real mind-game for a woman when it comes to self-esteem and finding a way to separate that Mom self from the woman who wants to be sexy and wear a low-cut top with bright red lipstick. She’s still in there, moms. And Tess Holliday wants to help pull her out.
Of course, this is far from the first time she got into our brains and said the things we’re thinking. Over the summer, she opened up about wearing a swimsuit and enjoying the water with your kids — no matter how you might feel about your body. “Bowie will never know what it’s like to have a mom who doesn’t love her body,” she writes. “Mind-blowing huh? I’ve been thinking about this because it’s summer and literally every activity is outside/in the heat, and we have the added pressure of people using toxic diet culture language like ‘beach bodies.'”
Holliday admits she didn’t even own a bathing suit for a good 10 years, which included the beginning of her older son Rylee’s life. Now, she says she’s made up for lost time with Rylee and Bowie will always see his confident momma rocking her swimsuit. “Don’t let fear keep you from enjoying your life, you deserve beautiful experiences, and beautiful photographs to remember them by!”
Can this woman just be our life coach and BFF already? We could certainly use these reminders daily (hourly) that we should be proud of our bodies and feel sexy at all times — because we are.