Teen Invites The Rock To Her Prom And His Response Is The Absolute Best

The Rock made sure this teen would be the envy of her whole school
Can we please just elect Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson president? I’d also settle for just meeting him once, because he’s simply a wonderful human and dad who openly shares his life struggles and seems genuinely appreciative of his fans. The latest example of Johnson being the all-around best is his response to a high school senior who tweeted a video invite to get him to come to her prom.
Katie Kelzenberg is a senior at Stillwater Area High School in Oak Park Heights, Minnesota. She boldly took to Twitter last week to ask Johnson to take her to her prom on May 5th. The video is weapons-grade adorable.
She tagged the actor in her tweet and let’s just say he heard her plea.
Yup. That’s Kelzenberg sitting in her classroom listening to the morning announcements only to hear The Freaking Rock responding personally to her prom invite.
He says, “You’re probably thinking ‘what is The Rock doing on our intercom system?’ Well, I’m sending a message to a very special young lady and her name is Miss Katie Kelzenberg. Now Katie I’m sure that you are so embarrassed right now but I just had to let you now I appreciate how cool and awesome you are for inviting me to your prom.”
Melting into a puddle yet? Her face. I can’t even.
Image via Facebook
He tells her because they’re now “best friends” he’s rented out a local theater for Kelzenberg and her classmates to see a screening of his new movie, Rampage. He says to buy “all the popcorn, candy, and soda you can drink, it’s all on me.”
He then declares himself “a pony,” which is the school’s mascot, and implores a “chivalrous gentlemen” to escort Kelzenberg to prom. Or, “you just go with your girlfriends and have a blast.”
UGH he is the actual best.
He even took to his own Facebook page to send the message with his adorable face attached while also commending Kelzenberg for being cool enough to ask him in the first place.
Here’s hoping Katie has the best prom ever, but even if the dance is a dud, she’s already got The Rock as her new BFF, so she’s winning no matter what.