Target's Now Making School Supply Shopping Easy As Hell

Target has school supply lists on their website so you can order everything at once
Did you wake up this morning and think, “Wow, there’s no way Target could make my life any better?” Well, you thought wrong. Target now has the dreaded task of hunting down a zillion specific items from your child’s school supply list (which we’re thrilled to do for our kids’ teachers, but competing with every mom in town for those good #2 pencils can be stressful AF) down to a few freaking clicks.
This is the back-to-school game changer you need in your life.
Target has school supply lists loaded onto their website and the process for finding your child’s list couldn’t be easier. It’s called School List Assist and it’s simply brilliant.
There’s only a few steps before you’re in school supply list completion nirvana.
You either choose to pick up your haul in person (my favorite since I will undoubtedly need other shit anyway) or go totally brainless and have it shipped directly to your hot little hands. Then, you find your school’s list and add the items all at once. I pulled up the list for my children’s elementary school and it was all there — I could adjust quantities before checking out and everything, along with adding other items that aren’t even on the list. Easy peasy.
Now I can’t guarantee every school in America is in there, but the good news is — any teacher or school can upload lists to the site. So teachers, hop to! Just one more way to make sure every family is preparing their little pupil as best they can for the new school year.
I’m tingling with excitement and imagined future efficiency. OK, just kidding — I will totally still wait until the last possible second and test Target to its limits in stocking everything my kids need. Nothing like the rush of trying to get the last yellow pocket folder in your zip code along with 27 other last-minute mommas. What can I say, I enjoy living on the edge.
And this is a great time for me to preach about one of my favorite causes — overbuying on the supplies your child’s teacher requests so there’s extras to go around in case all families aren’t able to bring in everything required. Teachers so often go out of their own pockets because they’re amazing angels and want all kids to be covered, so if you’re in a position to, maybe double up on a few items and make sure there’s plenty of Clorox wipes and erasers to go around. Your child’s teacher will thank you — trust me.
Happy shopping!
This article was originally published on