Target To Add Nursing Rooms As It Remodels Stores Across The Country

These nursing rooms may be going nationwide at Target stores
If you breastfeed your child in public, you should be free to do so wherever and however you feel comfortable. One Target store in Texas is making it a whole lot easier for women in their store by giving them a space of their own if they so choose (and it’s got free goodies).
A sign for breastfeeding moms was spotted at a Weatherford, Texas, store and was posted to the Facebook page Breastfeeding Mama Talk. The letter explains that customers “are free to nurse wherever and whenever you like” while shopping because “#momsrock.”
“But, if you would like a comfy (or more private) spot to nurse or change a diaper, please ask our fitting room attendant about our nursing room! A peaceful space to take a break during your Target run, it’s even stocked with some free goodies to make you and baby’s time even sweeter,” the letter continued. “Happy nursing and happy shopping!”
Again, moms should do what makes them most comfortable and if having space to take their time and relax (and they have the time to do so) why not take advantage of a spot made just for moms (and did we mention the free goodies)? If this sounds too good to be true but you don’t live in Texas, there may be good news coming your way.
“At Target, we want all of our guests to feel like they belong at Target by being welcomed, valued and respected,” a spokesperson from Target told Scary Mommy. “Our breastfeeding policy, which applies to all stores, is just one of the ways in which we support our guests. Guests who choose to breastfeed in public areas of the store are welcome to do so. And as we remodel stores across the country, we’ll be adding nursing spaces to make shopping at Target even easier for new moms,” like this once dressing- room-now-nursing station spotted in Orange, California
Getty/Jeff Gritchen
“Additionally, our store teams continuously listen to guest feedback and are empowered to find ways to make shopping at Target easy and inspiring for guests,” they said.
It’s shocking to think about how many people still have a problem with a woman breastfeeding her child in public. In fact, a recent survey showed one in four people in the United States think it’s inappropriate to breastfeed or pump in public and 61 percent of people don’t think moms should openly nurse in public. Of course, 25 percent of people surveyed also don’t think businesses should have to provide private lactation rooms for moms, which leaves quite the conundrum. I’ll never understand why anyone else gets an opinion about how or where you feed a child, but apparently, this is where we are at.
Lucky for us, we’ve got places like Target who are pro-mom and know since we spend half our lives in one of their stores, it’s a good idea to make us as comfortable as possible.