Students Are Sharing Powerful Messages On #NationalWalkoutDay

Students everywhere participate in national protest to end gun violence
Thousands of students across the country are walking out of their classrooms today, because they’ve had enough. Enough of school shootings, lax gun laws, and apathetic politicians. Today marks one month since the shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School, and the students at the Parkland, Florida high school are leading the history-making movement.
Students everywhere left their classrooms at 10 a.m. local time for 17 minutes to demonstrate solidarity with the Parkland students in honoring the 17 victims killed last month.
Image via SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images
Basically, we now live in a country where students have to protest their right to not die in school.
From coast to coast, high school students banded together with signs in-hand, demanding an end to senseless gun violence. The images show a powerful example of resistance.
Image via TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images
The organizers of the walkout said they wanted this protest to be a call to action for Congress to pass gun control legislation, according to the event’s website. “We view this work as part of an ongoing and decades-long movement for gun violence prevention, in honor of all victims of gun violence — from James Brady to Trayvon Martin to the 17 people killed in Parkland.”
While some who oppose the walkout under the guise of “it disrupts the education of our youth,” plenty of students clarified the reasons behind their protest.
Students from Stoneman Douglas have been incredibly vocal in their activism during the last month, showing incredibly courage in the aftermath of unimaginable tragedy. They’re not afraid to take on policy makers head-on. They’re backing away from the national spotlight, either. These kids know they need to be seen and heard.
Thanks to the Parkland community, other communities — big and small — are inspired to come forward to support the movement.
One student spoke at Capitol Hill and addressed Trump and NRA-endorsed politicians directly, telling them in so many words that the blood of future victims of gun violence is on their hands.
Not all school administrators are on board with the walkout, with some even threatening repercussions to students who choose to participate. Thankfully, that hasn’t deterred thousands of students from putting their personal and political morals first today.
Image via SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images
For those who were unable to walk out today — and for anyone who wishes to march to end gun violence — Parkland student survivors have organized March For Our Lives, which will take place in Washington, D.C. and around the globe at sister marches on Saturday, March 24.