The Force Is Strong With These 105 'Star Wars' Pick Up Lines

First things first, let’s just get this out of the way: Pick up lines never work if you deliver them seriously. Your best bet is to always do it with a smile. If you lay it on super-cheesy, a playful apology probably wouldn’t hurt either. Still. There are times when a pick up line might just do the trick. Take, for instance, you find yourself at Wizarding World of Harry Potter — knowing that the cutie next to you in line is a Potterhead too definitely ups your chances of a Harry Potter pick up line working. The same is true for any other seemingly “nerdy” material if you’re wandering around a Comic-Con floor. Even then, though, pick up lines are best used with a spirit of silliness and naivete. No one ever swooned over the “Did you just fall from heaven?” line unless they were dressed like a literal angel. Or, you know, unless the person delivering said pick up line was really, really, ridiculously good-looking.
Pick up lines may be goofy, but they’re also just really fun. And that’s something we could all use a little more of these days. The following jokes, in particular, can be delivered to a Star Wars fan with the expectation of a laugh. They’re so funny, we could have almost included them in a list of Star Wars jokes. But a sense of humor is definitely sexy, right?
Looking for more Star Wars inspo? Check out our Star Wars jokes, and more!
Clean Star Wars Pick Up Lines
- You’re as bright as a lightsaber…
I saw you beaming from across the room.
- Did it hurt when you fell from Cloud City?
- You’re the Obi-Wan for me.
- Are you related to Yoda? Because you are yodalicious.
- Have you been looking for love in Alderaan places?
- You stole my heart like the rebels stole the Death Star plans.
- Tell me of this thing you humans call (pause) love.
- Well, aren’t you just a rebel!
You stole my heart when you walked through the door.
- How can you be from an ice planet when you’re so Hoth?
- You’re Endor-able!
- I love you to the Death Star and back.
- Date or date not — there is no maybe.
- I must be drawn to the Force, ‘cuz Yoda only one for me.
- Take off your armor…
No need to be a stormtrooper around me.
- You’re so beautiful.
You wanna be my Na-boo?
- You are the droid I’ve been looking for.
- Are you the Force?
‘Cause I’m attracted to you.
- I did the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs, but I’m gonna take it slow with you.
- I’d join the dark side as long as you were there.
- I like you so much that we should get matching Tatooines.
- You’re hotter than the flames on Mustafar.
- Your smile glows brighter than a lightsaber.
- I must be from Alderaan, ’cause you just blew up my world.
- Can I see your garbage mashers on the detention level?
- I’m here to rescue you.
I’ve been told I have the cool sexual prowess of a Romulan.
- Leia’s buns ain’t got nothing on yours, baby.
- Knock, knock!
Who’s there? Baby Yoda. Baby Yoda who? Baby Yoda one that I want.
- If I were a Jedi, would you be my strength?
- You can’t be a real stormtrooper…
This photo of you shot me right in the heart and didn’t miss!
- The power to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of our love.
- Not a Dagobah that I don’t think about you.
- Are you a Sith Lord?
Because I’ve fallen for you.
- I can’t help it — I am trapped in the gravitational field of your eyes!
- You stole my heart like the republic stole the Death Star plans.
- R4 is red, R2 is blue.
If I was the Force, I’d be with you.
- Will you be the Leia to my Han so I won’t have to be Solo?
- Scanners show sexy life forms in this area…
Oh, it’s only you.
- You are the Obi-Wan I have been looking for.
- You, me, here.
This couldn’t be any better if I programmed the holodeck myself!
- Looks like you’ve got your blaster set to stun — ’cause you’re stunning!
- I could use the Force to make sure we never divorce.
- Girl, you must be an astromech droid, because you R2 good-looking.
- You’ve been looking for love in two moon-ey places. I’m right here.
- If you were a laser, you’d be set on stunning.
Dirty Star Wars Pick Up Lines
- I find your lack of nudity disturbing…
- Let’s get hoth and heavy.
- Nice buns, Princess.
- Don’t make Han fly solo tonight.
Let’s find someplace quiet.
- You like Star Wars?
Let’s go back to my place and violate the Jedi Code.
- I could get you undressed in less than 12 parsecs.
- Let’s role play.
You be Darth Vader, and you can use all the Force on me.
- Do you understand the binary language of moisture vaporators?
Because I’d like to program your binary loadlifter.
- Size matters not. (You have to say it in a Yoda voice, though.)
- I can make you breathe harder than Darth Vader.
- I’ve been told my Jedi tricks will blow your mind.
- Is that a lightsaber in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
- Let’s go back to my Ewok village and yub nub all night.
- I may not be able to feel the Force, but I wish I could feel you.
- You may not be Luke’s father, but can you be my daddy?
- Did you know the French call orgasms little Death Stars?
- I farm moisture for a living.
- Damn, you R2 fine.
If you’re lucky, I’ll let you give me the D2.
- I’m here to collect the bounty on dat ass.
- Earth woman, prepare to be probed!
- How about you come back to my place so I can touch your naboobies.
- I feel a great disturbance in my pants…
- I hope you’re into cyborg-human relations, because I’m feeling like a machine right now.
- I know what you’re thinking.
That’s no moon. That’s a space station!
- I may look like an Ewok, but I’m all Wookiee where it counts, baby.
- I usually Han Solo, but I’d let you turn on my lightsaber!
- I wanna Lando in your Calrissian.
- Many Bothans died so we could screw.
- Unlike Han, I don’t shoot first.
- Baby, we don’t need a holodeck.
I’ll make all your fantasies come true.
- It’s cold outside, baby.
Let’s play Empire Strikes Back. You can be a tauntaun, and I’ll get inside you.
- Wouldn’t you like to feel the Force flowing within you?
- I’m looking for a Jedi in the streets, but a Sith in the sheets.
- I have a laser sword that could penetrate your body, but it wouldn’t kill you, but it would heal you.
- I just got a big TV.
Want to watch Star Wars and after a fight in the bedroom?
- I’d shoot my rocket in your thermal exhaust port.
- Don’t worry baby, if I get tired there are three million more of me.
- My barge isn’t the only thing ready to explode.
- Want to spend the night inside my tauntaun?
I promise it doesn’t smell worse on the inside.
- I would hit that like the side of a tree on Endor.
- Open up your hangar — my starfighter needs refueling.
- Obi-Wan told me to follow my instincts, and my instincts are all over you.
- Why don’t we head to my bedroom, peel back my Star Wars sheets, and discover what a true Jedi can do with his lightsaber?
- If you think Chewbacca is hairy, wait until you see my wookiee!
- Hey girl, are you related to Yoda?
Because Yodamn fine.
- Are you baby Yoda?
Because you’re the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.
- When I saw you across the crowded cantina, my crotch felt like it went through an instant carbon freeze chamber.
- I could spend a millennium in your falcon.
- Every time I see you…
The Force in me awakens.
- Pull my hair like Anakin would.
- Wanna come back to my speeder so you can Jabba my wookiee?
- I’d love to be your nerf-herder.
- Harrgraarrrr raaaarawwwrrrrrr rarrrwaaaaaaaaaaargggghhaaaar. (Wookiee for “my place, or yours?”)
- You know, they don’t call me Jabba the Hung for nothing.
- When I Luke at you I feel like I need to give myself a Han Solo.
- How about you dock your imperial star destroyer in one of my ports.
- How about I put my Binks in your Jar Jar?
- If I was the Force, I’d be in you too.
- I’m like Luke after Bespin… lookin’ for a handjob, baby.
- Netflix and carbonite?
- I’d like to take you into the back of the millennium falcon and show you what it feels like to go lightspeed.
This article was originally published on