Punny And Heartfelt Valentine's Day Cards For The MVP's Of Life— Mom, Sis, Friends...

Nobody, we mean nobody, gets left behind this Valentine’s Day. Whether you’re happily married off (and now have kids with their own V-Day parties at school) or think it’s the stupidest Hallmark holiday in existence, you can still participate. Spread the love this February 14th—even if it’s just platonic love—by sending out greeting cards to all those people (your mom, sis, brother, dad, grandparents, neighbors… okay, okay, you get the point) that you’re infinitely grateful for.
Ahead, we’re sharing 11 heartfelt and funny Valentine’s Day cards… just because la-la-love is in the air. Even if you don’t think you have time to pick out and send a card, these valentines are guaranteed to wow on their own. And they need not even be accompanied by a life-size bear or cliche heart-shaped box of chocolates. Phew.
Already preparing for the next holiday that requires gifting? Be sure to check out Scary Mommy’s curated gift guides for ideas.
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