The Best Helmets To Keep Your Adventurous Toddler Safe

One of the most important kid gear items on your list should be toddler helmets. Few things are more exciting than witnessing your child master major milestones, from crawling and cruising to walking and uttering those first words. But one milestone you might not be quite ready for is when she takes position on that brand-spanking-new bike your annoying in-laws bought her for her second birthday.
What if she falls? What if she hits her head on something? That’s where a toddler bike helmet comes in handy. In fact, no pediatrician in their right mind would ever recommend that you allow your toddler to so much as sit on a moving toy of any kind without a top-notch helmet strapped tightly around those strawberry blonde curls.
It’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to your precious child, so if bike riding is in your child’s future, it’s a wise idea to start helmet shopping. Here is a list of some of the best toddler helmets on the market today that have earned the mom stamp of approval.
Best Infant Helmets
Obviously, babies shouldn’t be riding bikes or scooters just yet, but if your little one has a tiny noggin, some of these might come in handy.
Best Toddler Helmets
Best Toddler Bike Helmets
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