27 Things You'll Be So Excited About, Shipping Will Feel Like An Eternity

You know that feeling when you’ve just ordered something good? …And then the following feeling when you’re waiting weeks for the mail carrier to drop it off? For some reason, we’re not at the point in technology when everything can be delivered instantly after we order it (although Amazon is on its way — thank you Prime!) While I don’t have a solution for that issue (sorry, Mama) we’ve got a long list of fun, cute, and useful things you can order while you’re waiting for the stuff you purchased last week.
So take this as your little nudge to get that cute lounge set, the Always Pan you’ve been eyeing, or the blow dryer that’ll make wash days a lot easier. From fashion to kitchen to pets, we’ve rounded up a list of things we cannot wait to be delivered to our door.
Home & Kitchen
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